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Questions tagged [embedded]

Embedded refers to embedded systems, which involves areas such as microcontroller/DSP firmware programming, real-time systems, electronic interfaces, hardware drivers, serial bus communication etc.

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MCP2200 communication with HID under LINUX

I would like to use the following product as an input module(know whether a signal (12~24V DC) is present or not via the GPIO pins). the ...
Ömer's user avatar
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Build Head Tracking with 9-axis or 6-axis IMU on STM32

I'm working on a head tracking project using a 9-axis with an STM32 microcontroller. I've got a few questions and would really appreciate any insights: 1. Is this a feasible project? Has anyone here ...
d3dalo's user avatar
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When an embedded c program is created, why is there extra machine code around my compiled c program?

This C program blinks an LED attached to an AVR ATmega32u4. ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) // attach Interrupt Sub Routine to TIMER1 { // toggle LED PIND = (1 << PIND5); // #define PIND (*(...
Johnny Jones's user avatar
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Makefile - Header files not found even after inclusions

I am porting nRF8001 library to a stm32 mcu and in the makefile no matter how I include the header files it's not recognizing the path. I am not sure what's wrong with this makefile TARGET=main ...
Hako's user avatar
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Different execution times for the same code

I'm working with the Texas Instruments (TI) RM57L843 microcontroller, where I'm observing the execution time of a for loop that performs matrix multiplication. I compiled the same code using TI's ...
Dan's user avatar
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what is the difference between hal_adc_convcpltcallback and hal_adc_pollforconversion?

I am a beginner in using stm32 programming. I figured out that there are two types of complete conversions for ADC. So what are the differences between HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback() and ...
Ziad Hawsawi's user avatar
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CAN standard/extended identifier mixing bug

I have a question about the STM32F439. I have set up two Can filters, the first with (standard) ID 0x700 and mask 0x780 and a second filter with (extended) ID 0x1CEF0065 and mask 0x1FFFFFFFFF. My ...
floppy's user avatar
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How SWUpdate Designs Rescue Systems?

How SWUpdate Designs OTA Dual-Partition Upgrades and What Specifically Exists in the Rescue System? SWUpdate's approach to designing OTA dual-partition upgrades involves carefully considering the ...
emo_jiang's user avatar
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Using latches to capture 8086 bus

Following with that great answer Reverse engineer LCD Protocol used in MPC2000XL The Latches are LS374 I'm trying to capture the data using stm32, I have used two latches as the following diagram and ...
Andre Ahmed's user avatar
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how to Use OV7670 Camera Module With STM32F46-DISCOVERY board?

I have a STM32F746 discovery board that needs to be connected to ov7670 camera module, i searched online but i couldn't find any document or solution related to it. Can anybody help me out?
Reza Yazdani's user avatar
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Struggling To Understand How I2C Slave Address In RX Buffer Is Handled

I have a legacy project based on an Infineon/Cypress PSoC4 micro. I am attempting to port it to a new Infineon/Cypress part (PSoC4 MAX). The project is an I2C slave that communicates with an I2C ...
nobby's user avatar
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STM Nucleo F091RC: Only 4 Out of 8 USART Ports Working with HardwareSerial Library – How to Fix the Remaining Ports?

I'm using Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO and the Arduino framework to work with the STM Nucleo F091RC. I'm encountering an issue where only 4 out of the 8 USART ports are responding when using the ...
raven tramper's user avatar
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CH32V003 Auto-wakeup Window Comparison Value Register problem

I've stumbled upon something I can't understand. The MCU is CH32V003, RISC-V, RV32E model. The compiler is gcc version 8.2.0 (xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC, 64-bit), supplied by manufacturer. The ...
Suthiro's user avatar
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Taking FreeRTOS as an example, how to separate the kernel from the application? (Physical)

enter image description hereBackground: FreeRTOS, Cortext-M3 Suppose there is a situation where the kernel and application are developed separately, and the .text segment of the kernel and the ...
Rost Zhong's user avatar
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Can a CRC32 calculation be derived in terms of CRC16 calculations?

I need to calculate a 32-bit CRC but the microprocessor I am using only has a 16-bit CRC peripheral. Would it be possible to still use this 16-bit peripheral as part of my 32-bit calculations, and ...
natevw's user avatar
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