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Questions tagged [migration]

An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application. This might involve modifying existing data to make it work with the new version.

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Migration from Artifactory to GCP artifact registry

I want to migrate our huge maven artifacts repository to the artifact registry on Google's cloud platform. The process seems is long, and manual upload of each artifact to the maven repo on GCP is ...
qKweint's user avatar
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How to run a specific migration file using typeorm in node.js?

I'm currently working on a Node.js project using TypeORM with PostgreSQL. I have multiple migration files, but I want to run only one specific migration file instead of all pending migrations. Below ...
Jaskaran's user avatar
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AWS Redis Migration from multi db non-clustered mode --> single db clustered mode

Re the title we are looking to move from a redis multi db non clustered configuration to a clustered configuration for HA / performance purposes with as minimal downtime as possible. Part of this ...
Brandy P's user avatar
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How can I get commands in Rails Migration file using regex?

I'm trying to get commands from a Rails migration file as an array based on a specific migration command, using regex. My code works well on most cases, but when there is a command with multiline code,...
dfop02's user avatar
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Polymer functions not functioning after Angular 11 update from 10

The errors in the console after ng serve has compiled succesfully These errors have just started to be thrown in angular 11. It was running fine in angular 8, 9, 10. This is recurrent on multiple ...
user26393160's user avatar
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django.db.utils.IntegrityError: insert or update on table while mi8grating netbox > nautobot using nautobot-netbox-importer

I am trying to Migrate data from Netbox 3.7.4 to Nautobot 2.X using nautobot-netbox-importer. I tried the migration with the netbox-demo.3.7. data and worked fine but with the data I have I have been ...
Uzmasaman Chanderki's user avatar
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Play Framework migration: NoSuchMethodError: play.api.ApplicationLoader$.createContext

I am having a problem migrating from Play 2.5 to 2.6. My project builds successfully, but when I try to run it, the following exception message is thrown: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: play....
Eli Golts's user avatar
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I cannot run array function in excel (MS 365) to create a migration matrix [closed]

I am trying to implement migration risk calculation based on a moodys rating migration from 30 years. As a first step, I have this matrix as source; Average one-year letter rating migration rates, ...
josesilva's user avatar
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Convert trained and pickled sklearn ColumnTransformer from sklearn 1.1.2 to 1.5.1

I have a Scikit Learn ColumnTransformer containing a number of other transformers (passthrough, a custom transformer and a OneHotEncoder) that has been "trained" ( has been ...
Hendrik Wiese's user avatar
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Drizzle kit migration and pushing

i want to push to my db 'neon postgresSQL' a new table "products". // Define the products table export const products = pgTable("products", { id: serial("id")....
Wesam Muneer's user avatar
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migrate old application Seam/Jboss5 into Spring Java17Tomcat 10 - Better mode for redo

I must migrate an old application running in JBoss5, writed in java5 with frame SeamJboss (an old sum of jsf and ejb in a single framework). the new environment is Tomcat10, OpenIdk17. I may valuate ...
ngald's user avatar
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app:mergeExtDexDebug FAILED Due to the lifecycle-livedata-core-2.8.3-runtime.jar missing

I was just trying to update my project from targetSDK version 33 to to 34. For that I need to update some lifecyle apis as well. Prevously I was using these versions //LifeCycle ...
Muzammal Abdul Ghafoor's user avatar
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JUnit 5 - Migration - Custom test annotation no longer detected?

I had the following custom test annotation that worked in JUnit4 that IntelliJ and JUnit no longer wants to recognize: @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE }) @Retention(RUNTIME) ...
David S's user avatar
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PHP ARTISAN TINKER is not responding and always shows an error

I am quite new to coding and trying to learn LARAVEL, now I am creating basic tables, factories, and models. As a terminal, I use Git Bash, for code editor VSCode, and for LARAVEL I use HERD on ...
Ornok's user avatar
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migrating old framework project to new .net

i was wondering if some people could help me think, and/or confirm I am going in the right direction. We have a large solution with a lot of projects. We have made Repo's and domainlogic for most of ...
Thierry Verhaegen's user avatar

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