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Questions tagged [mongodb-query]

This tag is for questions related to querying and updating MongoDB collections, either through the mongo shell or using a programming language driver.

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1 answer

MongoDB query for points with cutout

In my lootPoint collection I have the data like this: { "_id" : "1856132932", "point" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates&...
injecteer's user avatar
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Mongodb query doesn't post or put data in deploy

I'm developing a simple forum website. It has a react frontend + node backend, with mongodb cloud as database and AWS Cognito for signup/ verification/ sign in. When a user signs up: 1. create a user ...
Leah's user avatar
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3 answers

How to convert a positive integer to binary inside mongoDB aggregation

I was looking for a way to convert a positive integer into a binary array inside a mongoDB aggregation pipeline. There is $bit operation which can't be used inside an aggregation pipeline. This ...
nimrod serok's user avatar
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Problems with my query in the json validator

[ { $addFields: { Larva: { $toInt: "$Larva" }, Ninfa: { $toInt: "$Ninfa" }, Pupa: { $toInt: "$Pupa" }, } }, { $group: { ...
Victor Daniel Salazar Marquez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to write an efficient mongo query for complex structures

I am using express/nodejs(without mongoose) and mongodb as my database. I have a collection Pages which looks something like this { _id: .. Urls: [ { IncomingUrl: "/test/test1",...
Jayendra Awasthi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to exclude number in MongoDB filter $gte and $lte

I have a MongoDB document with number field: [ { _id: 1, number: 10 }, { _id: 2, number: 11 }, { _id: 3, number: 12 } ] And I'm using MongoDB filter $gte and $lte ...
Zesshi's user avatar
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2 answers

MongoDB update single primitive in an array

I needed to run a quick and (I thought) trivial query to update some incorrect data. I'm trying to update the very first entry of an array in a document. Note: My posted queries run against db ...
Ghostbird's user avatar
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Is `{ field: { $in: [null, 'something-1', 'someting-2', []] } }` performance wise okay to use than separate query?

Query 1 : { field: { $in: [null, 'something-1', 'someting-2', []] } } Query 2 : { $or: [ { field: { exists: false } }, { field: { $in: ['something-1', 'something-2'] } }, { ...
Yash Patel's user avatar
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MongoDB: Filter array field based on entry from the same array

Given the following collection db.playground.insertMany([ { "id": 1, "tags": [{"t": "T1", "v": "t11", "c": 1 }, {"t": &...
Bobby Tables's user avatar
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Getting Values in 15 Min Invervalls with MongoDB Aggregatio

I do have a MongoDB collection that stores values from some Airflow sensor. For putting these values into a line chart, I need these values grouped together into 15 minute intervals. My aggregation ...
sucram's user avatar
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Want to extract specific column and fetch count based on the condition

I have below documents in Mongo DB: {_id 666b07c615b7246 host "SERVER1" ip_address "" status "Running" timestamp 2024-06-13-01-00-10} {_id 666b07c615b7246 host &...
wiTTyMinds Technology's user avatar
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Saving limited records per TestCase name in Mongodb

I am working on a framework to save test data for QA test cases in mongodb. I want to save only 20 test data per api request. e.g. if api call is for member summary then I want to limit saving only 20 ...
Mainaj Mev's user avatar
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CSV mongoimiport with merge option not updating existing data

I have an requirement to update existing mongo db document after reading some relevant data from hdfs saved as csv Steps I am taking care of Created a view on mongo collection to convert _id to it ...
Chandra Prakash Yadav's user avatar
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2 answers

MongoDB Index for sorting by Date

I have a simple question - maybe too simple so that I don't find an answer: My collection has documents containing a field startTimestamp of type date. The UI shows the documents in descending order ...
Björn Konrad's user avatar
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MongoDB query with $sort takes too long

I have a large mongo collection, when I run {"$and":[{"fieldCheck":"1"},{"timestamp":{"$lt": MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}}]}, the query results the output fast, ...
Jayant Patil's user avatar

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