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Questions tagged [npm-vulnerabilities]

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vulnerabilities when creating react app, how to fix it?

Each time I create a react up I get: 8 vulnerabilities (2 moderate, 6 high) I tried to fix it with npm audit fix, but it didn't change anything. I tried to fix it with npm audit fix --force, but it ...
Mike Radunski's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to fix CVE-2024-5535 for Dockerfile using node:22.1.0?

We found that there is security vulnerability for the Dockerfile we are using. The security vulnerability scan detected following | CVE-2024-5535 | critical | 0.00 | openssl | 3.0.13-1~deb12u1 | ...
Code Master's user avatar
-2 votes
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Needed with npm audit Vulnerabilities

I’m facing some issues with vulnerabilities in my project and would appreciate your help in resolving them. Here is the npm audit report: dicer * Severity: high Crash in HeaderParser in dicer - https:...
Marcelo Gilos Moreira's user avatar
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ip SSRF improper categorization in isPublic - IP node package vulnerability

I found ip SSRF improper categorization in isPublic vulnerability. when i tried npm audit to get vulnerability report, I found the below vulnerability related to ip package `ip * Severity: high ip ...
NIKITA NANOTE's user avatar
2 votes
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How to solve the web3modal vulnerability problem?

First installed npx create-next-app@latest, then npm install @web3modal/wagmi wagmi viem @tanstack. As a result, this error appears. What could be the ways to solve this? npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding ...
Alexxz's user avatar
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Axios vulnerability detected when installing @nuxtjs/auth-next

I have a nuxt project and I was trying to install nuxt auth but every time I install this package, it appears this Axios Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability. This is my package.json file: { &...
Ginja9975's user avatar
2 votes
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Vulnerability support for outdated Angular versions

A critical vulnerability(CVE-2024-21490) was identified in Angular 14, which is currently not supported under the Long-Term Support (LTS) policy but later got a confirmation from the CAST team that it ...
Joel Richard's user avatar
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Update to Dojo 1;17.3

I just update Doje to fix some vulnerabilities issue found by our security scan. This is scan is setup by my company on the Github repository. When I update from 1.10 to 1.17.3, I was able to close ...
Amando dos Santos Neto's user avatar
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2 answers

Should I sanitize response data before sending it to the client?

I'm using the express-xss-sanitizer package to sanitize incoming requests in my Node.js Express application. However, I'm still seeing issues reported by Checkmarx regarding potential XSS attacks. I'm ...
prashanthh's user avatar
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On what basis GitHub Advisory filter vulnerabilities for different package managers?

I am trying to comprehend how GitHub Advisory filters vulnerabilities, particularly in the context of Bootstrap 3.3.7. In the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), the following vulnerabilities are ...
Sandeep 's user avatar
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How to solve the vulnerabilities in react while updating dependencies?

Even after using npm audit fix --force i am getting vulnerabilities and i am not able to remove them. I need to update the dependencies for installing tailwindcss. Here are some of them, nth-check &...
Vijaya_7010's user avatar
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Upgrade yarn packages to avoid vulnerabilities in Docker image

I have a node dependency tree that looks like this: $:app user1$ npm ls d3-color [email protected] /Users/user1/workspace/fe/app ├─┬ @ant-design/[email protected] │ └─┬ @ant-design/[email protected] │ └─┬ @antv/l7plot@...
HelmBurger's user avatar
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Angular vulnerability [email protected] deduped

I'm having problems with the [email protected] deduped lib, it is a child of some angular CORE libs, and I need to mitigate this vulnerability. At the moment I don't have time to migrate to angular 16, ...
Leonardo Gusmão's user avatar
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Update jsrsasign from 0.0.3 to 10.8.6

I need assistance in he procedure to update jsrsasign npm library under jws-jwk tree. It's currently giving me the following tree when using npm ls jsrsasign. [email protected] └── [email protected] I ...
Sachin Choudhary's user avatar
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Remove Improper Input Validation vulnerability from 'xmldom'

My project has a new Improper Input Validation vulnerability found by Synk. The problematic library is 'xmldom' version 0.1.19. Looking into the dependency tree, 'xmldom' is required by 'xml-crypto', ...
Gabriela Cristina's user avatar

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