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Questions tagged [photo-gallery]

For questions relating to image galleries

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Limited access to photos giving full access on iOS, when using image_picker on flutter

I want to upload user's selected photo to server using image_picker plugin for flutter. But, when user is selecting limited access to photos and selecting photos that can be visible to app, it is ...
Muhammet's user avatar
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Compose multiplatform Voyager navigation with ImagePicker

I was watching this tutorial and I was wondering if there's a way to send parameters from the App to a Voyager Screen and if so, how? Or to somehow combine this ImagePicker implementation with bottom ...
Naum Djordjevic's user avatar
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I am needing a fairly customized photo gallery. The gallery needs to have only one image at a time, and 3 different text boxes per image

I am building a website on Squarespace, but this question is about HTML On Desktop: I need a gallery that has a single image between a top and bottom line that are close to their respective edges of ...
nathan_rose_solutions's user avatar
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I have a script to zoom/full screen an image. But it has a big problem

I'm an astronomer, and I'm trying to build a small website for family/friends/myself to store and display my different night sky pictures. Right now, I have some JavaScript that handles zooming, de-...
Astrokevin's user avatar
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WP Bootstrap loader causes many plugins to fail

I am looking for help with what appears to be a WP Bootstrap Loader compatibility problem across many WordPress plugins. Sadly my developer is super busy and tough to get hold of which I respect but ...
wayne186's user avatar
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Flutter image_picker returns different file name on every pick from gallery

I currently try to get images from the Gallery to my App and save them, if not already there, in a sub folder in the Gallery. On Android everything works fine, when checking against the file name, ...
iDontGetIt's user avatar
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How to solve PHPickerViewControllerDelegate Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain issues?

I have a problem choosing multiple images from the photo gallery using PhotoUI. If I pick 6 photos in UICollectionView it's showing 5 photos. Logs: Filename: IMG_0001 File Address: <...
Shahriar Hossain's user avatar
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How can make Codable of type PhotosPickerItem?

I'm trying to save an array like PhotosPickerItem (instead of an array of images to save memory) in any available form, for example, through UserDefaults using Codable. However, I can't match the ...
Езерский Алексей's user avatar
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website - rotating gallery (CSS / Javascript)

I'm fairly new to coding and as a first project I'm creating a website for my employer. As the third section of this website I have a photo gallery - when Image is clicked (directly or with button) it'...
Adam Nečesaný's user avatar
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Laggy Photo Gallery Like Scaling Animation of Images in Phones Only

I have created a website called In its Gallery page (, I have an animation which grows the image from its initial size & position to the full ...
Hit and Run's user avatar
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Some photos from the gallery rotate on some device Android Kotlin

I'm developing an Android app using Jetpack Compose. These days, I'm testing the app using some devices and found out some photos(not all) from the device gallery rotate on one device(901FJ by Fujitsu,...
Yuki's user avatar
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How to fix choppy animations in HTML/CSS/jQuery Flexbox Image Gallery?

I'm trying to make a filterable gallery using CSS flexbox that has smooth animations using HTML, CSS, and jQuery (JS). Everything works but the animations are sometimes choppy when filtering. Here is ...
CodeZinx's user avatar
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How to view photos selected by PhotoPicker(android 13) in phone's gallery

Android 13(sdk 33) has introduced a new PhotoPicker that provides a better way to let the user pick photos in apps but it has some limits. Now it's possible to get the uri when you select a photo(or ...
Prs2's user avatar
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Responsive image carousel slider component with inertia mouse/touch & multiple images with different aspect ratios

I struggle to find an image slider component with ALL next features: Multiple images with various aspect ratios visible at the same time in the carousel (landscape/portrait) Lazy loading (for ...
HoursFrom.World's user avatar
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3 answers

Flutter: How to get a specific album with photo_manager?

I'm working on an application where the user is only really working from a single album. I don't want to display all of the users pictures while they are in the app, just the ones that they will be ...
Wleeches's user avatar

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