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Questions tagged [replit-database]

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REplit + Node JS - How to override local file JSON data

My code snippet works with node js but my actual file “LOCAL_JSON_FILE_PATH” does not update with the new data. I want to remove old data from the file and import new data at set times. My code works ...
-1 votes
1 answer

To remove a specific value from a replit database in Python

I am trying to remove a specific value from a "Replit" database and I can't find the correct way. Can somebody just shove my nose in the right direction? user_input = "a" def ...
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0 answers

In Replit i am not getting any out put or blurr output

enter image description hereI am doing 100 days of code project. So i am using rep-lit to store my code.When i run my code it is showing blur(i have attached the image also). I see this blur on output ...
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1 answer

I'm trying to export all the data from my replit db

I'm currently trying to move a tonne of data out of replit db by converting it into CSV using pandas Is it to do with how the data is stored into the db? Is it a mistake to treat the db like a ...
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1 answer

I am getting an error for importing replit

--> poetry add replit Using version ^3.3.2 for replit Updating dependencies Resolving dependencies... Because no versions of replit match >3.3.2,<4.0.0 and replit (3.3.2) depends on Flask (...
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0 answers

How to save a variable to a database in three.js

I have made a simple game in three.js and want to be able to save a high score to a database, but anytime I try to use a database module, more specifically, the replit database, all of the three.js ...
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0 answers

Any way to get the text value of a key that's stored in the database? (replit node.js)

I kept trying to find a solution but couldn't find it anywhere, I'm using this for my discord bot and I want it to send the text value of a stored key in the database as a text message to discord. How ...
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1 answer

how to initialize @replit/database out side of node.js

here is my file: const express = require('express'); const path = require('path'); const app = express(); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'Basic-signupsignin-setup', ...
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Why am I getting a "cannot set property of undefined" when writing to an array generated by a replit.db call? [duplicate]

This was marked duplicate for some reason. I didn't even know what the thing in the other post was called. So, my problem is that this replitdb call below (not sure if thats what it's called) somehow ...
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0 answers

How do I import the database from Replit with "Import" in javascript?

Id like to use import to import the database. Is this possible? import Database from "@replit/database" This doesn't work I tried that without "@" and with other variations, but ...
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2 answers

How do you get more storage in the Replit Database (@replit/database)?

I am distributing a product based on Replit and it’s already out of storage. I’ve seen that the Replit hacker plan can add more local storage, but I can’t find anything regarding the database. Is ...
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1 answer
541 views Ignoring exception in command note

I am trying to make a discord bot in python with a note command where te user can make a note. The note gets saved using the database from replit. Imports, commands, prefix ect, ect (Prefix = !) @bot....
-1 votes
1 answer

how to get raw data for a nested key in my replit database python

In the python code below, I am getting the raw data for the key "users" in my database. However I need the raw data only for the key "shares" inside of "users". How would ...
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1 answer

Import sklearn doesn’t exist on my replit

For some odd reason when I do “import sklearn” it says ModuleNotFound or something like that. Can anyone please help? I tried going online and using bash to fix it but still didn’t work.
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1 answer

No REPLIT_DB_URL environment variable

When I try using the Replit database, I get told "Only absolute URLs are supported". Then I tried finding the REPLIT_DB_URL with 'printenv' in the shell. There was no variable with that name....

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