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Questions tagged [rest]

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web. It has increased in popularity relative to RPC architectures such as SOAP due to the intrinsic de-coupling of client from server that comes from having a uniform interface between heterogeneous systems.

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Dynamic Database Driven External API Call Service: Seeking direction/concepts to focus research on

Dynamic Database Driven External API Call Service: Seeking direction/terms to focus research on. Thank you in advance for any responses i get. I'm here seeking a direction for research and any related ...
Whimsicalknight's user avatar
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API Pagination - Want to get the page from the URL and not from the Body

I am new to the API world and have a question. I am currently making an API custom connector call to plytix with Matillion Data Loader. The call works fine until I want to bring in all the records ...
user26426873's user avatar
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Spring boot: Why am I getting this 404 Error?

Just to give a little background on the project; I'm making a Spring Boot project using Maven. I have a two microservices, one called "products" and one called "config-server" to ...
dqdq dqsss's user avatar
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Golang sending binary file over TCP via HTTP/REST

I'm writing a manager for cloud support of legacy IOT devices in Go, the devices establish a tcp connection with the manager, then that connection gets held open for bi-directional communication. The ...
Wayne's user avatar
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Azure DevOps REST API parent relation link to existing work item error

I am attempting to utilize the Azure DevOps REST API to create and/or update a work item in Boards to allow adding a Parent link. So far this is unsuccessful. and its creating an error... Invoke-...
trentR's user avatar
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Delete all items from a sharepoint list with the REST Api

Is there a method to delete all items from a sharepoint list using the REST API ? Preferably not using a Loop over all items and deleting individual item ? I have got to the point where I can delete ...
Dmitriy Ryabin's user avatar
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using sharepoint REST API - can POST files as an app but not GET a list of files?

I have successfully registered an app and can generate a JWT to get a token for my app to upload files directly into a Sharepoint site. I'm now trying to read this list of files back but the same ...
user26426138's user avatar
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Can't submit GRES value from slurm REST API

I have been trying to submit the slurm GRES flag through the REST API however, I couldn't find a way to do the same through the REST APIs. I am using the parser version 0.0.40 Is this something not ...
Prasanna's user avatar
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SSRS Powershell Rest API "The given key was not present in the dictionary"

I am trying to create a subscription to a report via SSRS Rest API 2.0, but I am getting the error "The given key was not present in the dictionary". I am on SSRS Version 15.0.8863.19101 ...
WKNav4997's user avatar
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Superset Add user with REST API

I am getting Error in reponse to /api/v1/security/users/ i am trying to insert new user with rest api in apache superset what i did: i sent post request to /api/v1/security/login with json body - i ...
Numonjon Khoshimov's user avatar
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How to post multiple objects in oracle apex rest api?

I am trying to post data like below { "ORG_ID": "81", "TRX_DATE": "30-JAN-2024", "TRX_NUMBER": "240006078&...
Abdullah Al Mamun's user avatar
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How to sync Netsuite sales order items to Salesforce order products?

I have created user event script to sync Netsuite Sales order to Salesforce order. I have sync all body level data but having trouble in syncing Netsuite items to the salesforce. Please Help! Here is ...
Maira S's user avatar
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Chrome can't play videos larger than 25 MBs [closed]

I have an client written in angular which makes a call to a REST API written in JAVA to retrieve a file. If the file is a video, I have the option to play the video inside the client using a video ...
Ștefan Jiroveanu's user avatar
-2 votes
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"undefined: utils.GetTrimmedParam" Error when running the 'Hello World' code from 'Getting Started'

I ran the 'Hello World' code mentioned in the official GoFiber document document but got the following error: $ go run main.go # /home/user/go/pkg/mod/
user21819272's user avatar
-1 votes
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Base URL for Spring Boot and handle / as well

I would like to set the context path for the Spring Boot application, and the following property can achieve that. server.contextPath=/api However, I would like to redirect / to /api . Currently, I ...
Sanchu Varkey's user avatar
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How can I test a Java method that hits the actual REST API?

So I have a class that holds a bunch of methods(migrated from another project) that are suppose hit a REST API,but I don't know if they are working correctly.I want to create a driver class that i ...
e_wards's user avatar
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Tableau Server REST API - How to filter jobs by extractRefresh task ID?

Is there a way to filter jobs using the tableau REST API according to task ID? I have an extract refresh task I want to run on demand using /runNow but I want to perform a check to see if a job with ...
happycoder2121's user avatar
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Why are my Firebase RTDB Rules Always Returning Unauthorized

Rules { "rules": { "Accounts": { ".read": "true", "$user_id": { // Check if object has all required values after operation ...
Cory Lentz's user avatar
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encountering Error: Content is not allowed in prolog with spring boot and apache camel, when transforming

I am writing a springboot application to convert SOAP to REST by using apache camel - private String transformSoapToRest(String soapRequest) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, ...
Bijaya's user avatar
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limit on the number of calls per minute for FeignClient

Call @FeignClient happens throw RetryTemplate.execute(). for example: public AccountBalanceHistoryDto getAccountBalanceHistoryByDate() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ...
Aleksandr Berestov's user avatar
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How do I make sure that I only load flights on search and not initial page load

Rails baby here! trying to work it out with Rails 7. I have a small toy app here that tries to search for flights then have users book a flight. I have managed to string together the app to a point of ...
Taku Mapfumo's user avatar
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Python script to fetch zip codes within a radius fails to populate CSV correctly

I am trying to write a Python script that reads a CSV file with zip codes, fetches zip codes within a radius using an API, and then populates the results into a new column in the CSV. The API requests ...
Henry Levenberg's user avatar
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Spring Boot: Error 404 when accessing localhost endpoint

Just to give a little background on the project; I'm making a Spring Boot project using Maven. I have a two microservices, one called "products" and one called "config-server" to ...
dqdq dqsss's user avatar
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How to revoke token in Laravel Sanctum?

I wrote a simple REST API with Laravel 11. I tested authentication and it looks like the token generated by Sanctum is not revoked despite that I delete the way the documentation writes. class ...
inf3rno's user avatar
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AWS Elemental Live - Querying API returns the GUI Interface

I'm attempting to query the AWS Elemental Live REST API using a Python script. I am using a generated header as described in the API documentation that allows me to authenticate and send the request, ...
Amine Mchayaa's user avatar
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Strapi enum values change based some value

Is it possible in strapi to set different enums based some value? I want to change my enums list based my exercise type, because I want to others who used admin panel for menage exercise data will ...
Mee's user avatar
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Issues Connecting to Spirent TestCenter Using Java and Tcl

I'm having trouble connecting to Spirent TestCenter (STC) using both Java and Tcl scripts. Here are the steps I've taken and the errors I'm encountering: Using Java: I tried running a Java script with ...
Yuqi Wang's user avatar
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check acl for restful api when and api used in many pages

I have an api to get list of branches. I have two pages, first page use this api to list branches. Second page is for editing CashDesk record. Each CashDesk related to a branch and in page 2 I need ...
Nasser Mansouri's user avatar
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running python rest server in mojo

Since python rest server would be running in mojo and not in cpython we could get multithreading and not be worried about gil is this assumption correct? if anyone tried this combination do share ...
sandeep kumar's user avatar
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Dynamic filter options using shorter URLs

What if we want to have GET requests send from a Frontend App to a REST API where the parameters can be huge? The scenario is an endpoint that can receive a huge amount of filters, by huge is over 7k ...
Estevao Santiago's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.2.5 RestClient POST with form args

I'm using Spring Boot 3.2.5 and the new RestClient class to call a POST the requires url encoded form arguments. I'm sending a Map as the body and it keeps trying to convert to JSON which is not what ...
Bill Pfeiffer's user avatar
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dotNET minimal API getting 404 not found on a secure endpoint

I am trying to implement a rest api using the dotNET framework. I am experiencing a problem with the "/secure" endpoint, getting 404 as a response message whether I login or not. If I don't ...
Samuele Calugi's user avatar
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Publishing events with priority attribute set

How does one go about setting the priority to a given message while publishing to Solace via REST API? Is it an HTTP header? Metadata attribute?
fmagno's user avatar
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DataSnap - Object as server method parameter

Is it currently (Delphi 12) possible to write in server method parameters some class and receive it from simple JSON? Now I have: type TTestParam = class fVal1: Integer; end; {$...
Dżyszla's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to call Netsuite RESTlet from Salesforce?

I am new in integration. I have created RESTlet script in Netsuite. Now I want to pass customer ids from Salesforce to Netsuite. How to make a call from salesforce to Netsuite? Please advice. Below is ...
Maira S's user avatar
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fetch data from strapi 4 with populate and filter

i am using strapi 4. I want to fetch data with ** populate parent** of table **features ** is null. it will works when i use API: /projects?populate[features][populate]=parent but when i use this API ...
Ocean's user avatar
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Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES). In SpringToolSuit4 [duplicate]

enter image description hereI am working on the springToolSuite4,I was creating Restful API and trying to access the database through it. I have added all the dependencies and the password used is ...
Gauri Sharma's user avatar
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Where do you set default values when registering a user? [closed]

i am currently developing a web application in which the user should have the possibility to register. For this I have built a VueJS web application and a Golang REST API. However, the backend is now ...
MoreTags's user avatar
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REST services: why should I bother with supporting multiple resource representations?

I'm trying to wrap my head around REST principles, and the multiple representations principle confuses me. It'd appear to me that server side could be greatly simplified by having a single canonical ...
Vindicar's user avatar
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Fetching products from external api supplier

I have a partner who owns a warehouse with thousands of products. We want to connect our Magento 2.4.5 store to this partner so that we can sell their products using our Magento 2 store. The partner ...
Paul Keta's user avatar
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Get LocalDate from the @RequestBody, convert it to dd/mm/yyyy format, convert it back to LocalDate and store it in the database

I am creating a Rest API applicaton which tracks users` expenses. I have date variable of type LocalDate and the default format is yyyy-mm-dd but I want to store dd/mm/yyyy in the database what I ...
user23899795's user avatar
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ADF copy activity for REST API POST requiring string value in request body field

I have a ADF copy activity where my source is a REST API POST statement to a report process in one of our data sources. I have the parameters for the report stored in a SQL server table and I am ...
ChuckCox's user avatar
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can not access rest API running in docker container [duplicate]

I have a REST API built in .net 8. When it runs on my machine, I can test it using Postman (http://localhost:8009/api/...) without issue. But when I running it from inside a docker container, the ...
Alexu's user avatar
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can't iterate over array created in service - async issue?

I create an array of Items like this in my service: items: IItem[] = []; ... LoadItems() { this.GetItems().subscribe((res) => { // console.log(res); if (res.status ==...
necrophade's user avatar
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How to make .NET framework 4.8 versioning work with Web API

I am working on a .NET framework 4.8 Web API project and I'm trying to enable versioning on the REST API endpoints. All the endpoints are broken and I am unable to figure out what is wrong. Can anyone ...
user1258028's user avatar
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How to call https.patch in Netsuite to update Salesforce record?

I am trying to update custom 'city' field in salesforce customer record using user event script. Patch is supported in salesforce to update records but does not support in Netsuite. I have created ...
Maira S's user avatar
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Reduce Flask-API downtime in IIS

I'm using waitress to serve a Flask Python API in IIS 10.0, with the purpose of serving endpoints for reverse image searching. The initial part the script deals with importing a number of large files, ...
Johnny's user avatar
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How do I remove the "d" node from the GET Response

My team provided me a GET called. However, the response contains a "strange" d node. I tried to ask them for help and they asked me to use XML instead (I know). I am here to see if ...
Johnny Wu's user avatar
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Send IformData as a field within Postman

This is my postman setup; for the request object; public class UploadRequest { public List<IFormFile> File { get; set; } public int EntityType { get; set; } public ...
TyForHelpDude's user avatar
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How to insert a DEFAULT custom header value to all Mock SoapUI REST projects?

I have SoapUI (Open Source Edition) installed on a windows. To test my REST project my frontend send the data to Mock SoapUI and to avoid the CORS issue I need put in the actions 3 headers manualy to ...
Edson Vicente Carli Junior's user avatar

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