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Questions tagged [rxdb]

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implementing RxDb with my mern application

I an a total noob and I'm tying to use Rxdb with my mern application for offline experience I'm trying to use Rxdb to save some data locally present in mongodb for offline use. in a normal mern ...
gabby's user avatar
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NG0602 when using RxDB reactivity factory

My use case: Use a reactive rxDB.collection.find().$$() inside a computed angular signal. I am quite sure I am misreading the current documentation :/ Reading the current RxDB documentation I can see ...
Maximilian Friedmann's user avatar
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RxDB "Cannot open database state with newer RxDB version" error when trying to update from v13 to v15

I'm trying to update my RxDB database from version 13 to version 15, but I'm encountering a very strange error: bootstrap.tsx:242 RxError (DM5): RxError (DM5): Cannot open database state with newer ...
DevOverflow's user avatar
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Add item to nested array in RXDB

I am using RXDB for the first time and i am a bit of trouble understanding how to add data to a document. I have a "boards" collection, which i can get with db.boards; Boards have "...
Boguz's user avatar
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How to sync an RxDB instance with the actual IndexedDB when switching tabs? ( multitab )

I have a web application that uses RxDB ( ) to store data in indexedDB. I encountered an issue where when I clear the data in indexedDB using the clearTODOS method in one tab, the ...
DevOverflow's user avatar
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How handle rxdb .$.subscribe with replication

i my case, i m using myDatabase.collections.opportunities.$.subscribe( that must save any historical step/changes for each. where there differences between documentData and previousDocumentData on &...
flx's user avatar
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Failed to add collection:', [Error: ensureNotFalsy() is falsy] - React native

I'm working on react native project where method is written in react and I want to save the collection. I'm using SQLite rxdb plugin to save it but getting this error everytime. even I tried with ...
prateek sharma's user avatar
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RxDB RxDatabaseBase DexieError

I am trying to implement signalDb with RxDB Just following this example by signalDb (Here's the source code of this example) Ang I got this error: DexieError {_e: Error at getErrorWithStack (http:...
jnewbie's user avatar
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rxDB incrementalPatch when there is an object

I am using rxDB like this to update my document: await doc.incrementalPatch({ ...newDoc, updated_at: new Date().toUTCString(), }); However I get this issue: RxError (DOC6): RxDocument....
strangeQuirks's user avatar
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RXDB Application and data storage size issue

I'm working on a web app using RXDB as a client side database and MongoDB as a server side database. Currently, local RXDB browser databases contain exactly the same data as the server side db. This ...
Platus's user avatar
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Electron - unable to use rxdb in vuejs renderer process

I'm trying to use rxDB inside my electron vue app. I've followed the guide on how to implement it inside the renderer process, and I have the following code in my App.vue file: // Importo dipendenze ...
OHICT's user avatar
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error in rxdb:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'key')?

enter image description here rx-schema-helper.ts:104 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'key') at getPrimaryFieldOfPrimaryKey (rx-schema-helper.ts:104:63)...
sanguogege's user avatar
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Any way to make RxDB work for React Native on Expo with a SQLite database (I own a RxDB Premium, the SQLite Plugin does not work)

The author mentions that his premium plugin rxdb-premium/plugins/storage-sqlite is not working on older version of SQLite on Android, if we get the error mentionned below (in the next code block). So, ...
jwallet's user avatar
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Getting Adapter not added. Use RxDB.plugin(require('pouchdb-adapter-[adaptername]'); in ReactNative

RxError: RxError: RxDatabase.create(): Adapter not added. Use RxDB.plugin(require('pouchdb-adapter-[adaptername]'); Given parameters: { adapter:"asyncstorage"} database.js //mycode import ...
Ramesh R's user avatar
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pouchdb or alternative where I can control how much data stored locally?

In the design stage for an app that collects large amounts of data... Ideally, I want it to be an offline-first app and was looking to Pouchdb/Counchdb - However, the data needs to be kept for years ...
baradhili's user avatar
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How to store Typescript data types in RxDB?

New to RxDB here. I've read through the RxDB document and seems there's no elegant way to store types in RxDB. For example, Sum types type Animal = {kind: 'horse', pawColor: Color} | {kind: 'bird', ...
mye's user avatar
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Which non premium RxDB RxStorage can be used as a database backend for GraphQL Replication on a NodeJS backend application? [closed]

I'm studying RxDB to use it in a NodeJS backend with GraphQL replication but I couldn't find any free opensource RxStorage with this specs in the documentation. PouchDB - seems to work only with ...
Tiago Stapenhorst's user avatar
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Rxdb infinitely pulling in replicateRxCollection

I'm working with rxdb and I have pull and push handlers for the backend I have used supabase I have setup the code for replication as follows: replication.ts import { RxDatabase } from "rxdb"...
Rohan Keskar18's user avatar
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How can I configure a plugin in RxDB?

I added the ajv validation plugin through the standard way: import { RxDBAjvValidatePlugin } from 'rxdb/plugins/ajv-validate'; addRxPlugin(RxDBAjvValidatePlugin); and now see the following error: ...
Ilya Loskutov's user avatar
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How to use RxDB with PouchDB adapter in a Nuxt 3 project?

I'm using Nuxt 3 with client side rendering and I'm having some issues making RxDB with PouchDB adapter to work. I'm having issues getting RxDB/PouchDB to work. :/ Excerpt from nuxt.config.ts (I tried ...
HypeWolf's user avatar
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Unable to sync RxDB with couchdb on react-native after creating collections

Why would rxdb throw this error when try to connect/sync on couch server Error Sync: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'db.todos.syncCouchDB') I tested the same function on my web app ...
Tony Ngomana's user avatar
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How to update local data from rxdb to server database postgrasql through graphql in react

we are trying rxdb as local database and postgresql as a server database and through graphql end point we are able to push and pull data from local to server and vice-versa but how to update and ...
Sheethal Patil's user avatar
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RxDB check if a local database exists

How can I find out whether the local db (indexedDB) with a given name already exists? const db = await createRxDatabase({ name: 'heroesdb', storage: getRxStoragePouch('idb'), }); This approach, ...
Ilya Loskutov's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: process is not defined when calling createRxDatabase in aurelia app

I am trying to use rxdb as a store for my aurelia app. I have not found a plugin that implements this aleady, so start writing my own solution. I am using aurelia-cli 2.0.3, aurelia-loader-nodejs 1.1....
harfel's user avatar
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Rxdb sync not update db

There are 3 bases (front, node, remote). Front <=> node, node <=> remote. When the front base is updated, the data goes to the remote base, but the node is not updated. In theory, the node ...
Denis Makarov's user avatar
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Is there a way to auto increment a number field in RxDB?

I've got a simple schema: export default { title: 'hash schema', version: 0, primaryKey: 'hash', type: 'object', keyCompression: true, properties: { uuid: { type: 'string' }, id: { ...
Kasper Seweryn's user avatar
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package.json entry points with rollup and @rollup/plugin-node-resolve

I'm looking for some help with package.json entry points (i.e. with @rollup/plugin-node-resolve, with snowpack). For a package I'm importing (indirectly via RxDB), I'm having some issues and ...
user1224598's user avatar
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Why is the vanilla JS example for RxDB not working

I've followed the instructions at GitHub, but the example doesn't work. The app shows "Starting database". At the browser console there is this error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: ...
FredVal's user avatar
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WebSQL threw an error [Error: Error code 1: no such table: document-store]

We are using react-naive-sqlite-2 in our application with RxDB and started getting this error somewhat sporadically. It seems to happen after we remove the database. I was surprised to see this was a ...
Special Character's user avatar
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How Do I Properly Initialize RxDB in a Vue App with global

I'm trying out RxDB for the first time in a Vue 3 app, and getting started is a bit more tricky than I expected (and it's probably my fault). I installed RxDB with NPM in my project ("rxdb": ...
Clifton Labrum's user avatar
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How to sync revisions when calling bulkDocs on pouchdb instance in RxDB

I'm trying to bulk update some RxDB docs, since RxDB does not have a bulk update function I have to use the bulkDocs function on the built in pouchdb instance. I can successfully do this but then my ...
Jessie Slobogian-Sanford's user avatar
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rollup cannot find exported function using commonjs plugin even with namedExports

I'm trying to use rxdb with rollup but rxdb imports the clone module, and apparently in a way incompatible with rollup and the commonjs plugin. I see this error when I run yarn dev: [!] Error: '...
xrd's user avatar
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RxDb - Delete object from array with specific index

It gives me a head-ache seeing all solutions using $pull in MongoDb that RxDb inspire it's queries I started looking into docs I saw that RxDb uses modifyjs. Yee... it doesn't support $pull operator ...
Adrak Pro's user avatar
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Slow loading Nuxt/Electron Desktop App with large datasets using rxdb

When loading a page/table with more than 1000 results, it takes around six seconds for the data to load and sometimes temporarily freezes the application. Pagination wont work because I need to get ...
Jayson H's user avatar
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Rxdb: Purge deleted items and old revisions by manually replicating (copying) rxdb database?

I'm looking for a way to replicate an rxdb instance locally, in the browser (local storage to local storage). I read somewhere that this is the only way to purge deleted items (can't find the link now)...
yen's user avatar
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possible to generate RxDB schema from existing graphql schema?

Curious if this is possible, I see graphQLSchemaFromRxSchema for working in the other direction, but we already have a graphQL schema we want to use.
Chris Drackett's user avatar
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Rxdb migration is not running

I have a schema with version 0, and 4k docs with it. Changing version to 1, have the following strategy: autoMigrate: true, migrationStrategies: { 1: (r: any) => { debugger; ...
Vladimir Mikhaylovskiy's user avatar
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Doc is always null in the pullQueryBuilder

I have set up graphql sync with a collection. The first sync runs fine, the data is populated, but after that I get an error like this: core.js:4197 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): {"status&...
Koppa Péter's user avatar
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rxdb: migration of document failed final document does not match final schema

I just changed my rxdb schema version from 0 to 1 in order to add a deletedAt attribute. I added a migration strategy for going from ver 0 to 1. Now I'm getting this error: "migration of document ...
yen's user avatar
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Data syncing with pouchdb-based systems client-side: is there a workaround to the 'deleted' flag?

I'm planning on using rxdb + hasura/postgresql in the backend. I'm reading this rxdb page for example, which off the bat requires sync-able entities to have a deleted flag. Q1 (main question) Is ...
yen's user avatar
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RxDB - Use the existing local DB

Case How to open an existing database? Issue I already create one database with RxDB.create(), and created some collections, put some documents in it So, in another script, i want to open that ...
Andon Mitev's user avatar
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RxDb, cannot sort on field(s) XXX when using the default index

I just discovered RxDb, which as far as I understand is running PouchDB underneath, in any case, I have defined a fairly simple schema for an entity: let nodeSchema: RxJsonSchema<NodeDocType> = ...
Oscar Franco's user avatar
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How to handle JWT authentication with RxDB?

I have a local RxDB database and I want to connect it with CouchDB. Everything seems to works fine except for authentication. I have no idea how to add it differently then inserting credentials in ...
Alan Wołejko's user avatar
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RxDB leader-ship blocks all sockets in chrome

I used the waitForLeadership to let only one tab sync the db. And it looks like it works. But if I activate this feature and open more than 3 tabs, the next tabs won't load. Chrome always says, ...
Auryn's user avatar
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RxDB/Electron storing data in sqlite

I want to build a hybrid using Ionic/Electron to run it on Desktop,Browser and Android, after doing some research i found about RxDB which by it's definition seems to fit this kind of DB usage (https:/...
user7616817's user avatar
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How to make this global variable hold its value between calls?

I'm trying to reduce the amount of times the database object is initialized in my data access file (variable database inside the file tree-rxdb.mjs). I created a global variable to hold a reference to ...
Aspiring Dev's user avatar
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How to index geojson data in browser to store in indexDB (using geojson-vt)

Overview I have a fairly interesting requirement where I need to load geojson data from a service (not a vector tile service) and then cache that data for offline use (using indexDB). So, when ...
Rusty's user avatar
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Rxdb Plugin: Using the RxCollectionBase#insert method in a plugin

I am trying to create a plugin for rxdb. I want to catch the exception raised by insert and return an hash with {[fieldName: string] => [error:string]} When using my new method though, I am ...
Shiyason's user avatar
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RxDB - can't find collection after reload

Trying to start with RxDB in my angular application. Wanted to get something simple to work: export const LANG = { version: 0, title: "Language Key", type: "object", properties: { key: { ...
user9316588's user avatar
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RxDB - Document update conflict (error 409)

I use RxDB and want to update the document in it. This is how the db is created: const _create = async function() { const db = await RxDB.create({ name: 'myName', adapter: process.env....
max's user avatar
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