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Questions tagged [simple-form]

Questions about "Simple Form" which generates view code for forms in Rails. This tag is NOT related to "SimpleForm" in OpenUI5.

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Rails 7.1 Stack level too deep in partials and simpleform

After upgrading our rails stack from 7.0 to 7.1 i noticed these weird errors of stack level too deep even without much of a stack trace. It happens as far as i noticed, only whenever i have a simple ...
Nicholas Ladefoged's user avatar
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Simple Form is rendering duplicate input field in rails 7

Guys I am trying to render a partial form using a simple_form but I am getting a duplicate input field of same attribute. This is my form <%= simple_form_for post, html: { class: "post form&...
JW Gim's user avatar
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Add a 'data-x' attribute to a <form> with simple_form?

I'm trying to add a Stimulus handler to all forms: <form data-controller="ajax-errors"></form> I looked at the code in simple_form and the only option I see is to add a ...
dmix's user avatar
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Simple form with many collection inputs stalls after render, Rails

I've got a simple_form that has 22 inputs with collections like: collection: 0..1000 and another 22 inputs with collections like: collection: 0..10000 So that's a form with 242000 in collections, ...
daveasdf_2's user avatar
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Configuring flatpickr in Rails7 using simple_form

I'm trying to add to my app date-time picker using flatpickr and simple_form. I tried configure it according to but with no efect. It seems that simple_form ...
mila002's user avatar
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Select form in Rails simple_form returns hexadecimal address of object [duplicate]

Im' testing very simple form in rails using simple_form gem. I have three models as below: class Raport < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :systemname belongs_to :user end class Systemname < ...
mila002's user avatar
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CSS Problem I can't get it to look right on mobile

I have a problem where everything looks fine on my computer, but on the mobile phone, it's terrible. The fields are causing the most trouble; I can't seem to get them to stack one below the other on ...
Dustart's user avatar
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how to disable simple_form validation in rails 7

could one kindly advise me how to disable simple form validation in rails 7. i am unable to remove the validation. it always states must exist no matter which way i use to remove the validation. Thank ...
ARTLoe's user avatar
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Why doesn't this has_many :through collection_check_boxes form input not create the records correctly?

I have a has_many :through association setup in a Rails 7 app. I'm using the ActsAsBookable gem to handle bookings for events. An Event has_many EventExtras that can be added from the booking, and a ...
stooshie45's user avatar
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refactor simple_form form radio-button field

I have a User model which renders a form patrial (using simple_form) for new & edit actions and here's the content of it: <div> <%= simple_form_for @user do |f| %> <%= f....
Juzer Shakir's user avatar
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2 answers

Rails asterisk/"*" not appearing in one label of a form

Situation Have a simple form which abstract parts i post below: <div class="form-group"> <%= f.label :net %> <div class="input-group w-50"> <%=...
Julian's user avatar
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Assign id to simple form collection options

New developer trying to assign an different ids to Round Oval and Banana options, so can initiate action on select: <%= f.input :content, label: 'Fruit Shape', :collection => %w[Round Oval ...
daveasdf_2's user avatar
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Simple form not passing parameter to controller RAILS

I have a simple form with some javascript that shows some input fields or others depending on what the user selects. The weird behavior that I'm getting is that whichever div I put on top (for ...
Rodrigo Ladrón de Guevara's user avatar
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How to assign start and end date from range using Flatpickr in Ruby on Rails

I have been struggling for 3 hours as I have added mode: range in the Stimulus JS datepicker controller which works on display. On the logic though, I do not know how to reduce from two to one simple ...
Discopigeon's user avatar
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How to disable model validation pass check when showing a disabled element in simple form

I use Ruby On Rails in combination with the Simple Form gem. My validations in model looks like this validates :name, presence: true If I now have a disable input field for the name, then SimpleForm ...
Ymox's user avatar
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