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Questions tagged [stimulusjs]

For questions regarding the Stimulus Javascript framework

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How to preserve the original document's head tag when navigating in a turbo frame with `data-turbo-action='advance'`

The Problem: I have a component that performs navigation using a turbo frame. I would like to reflect the navigation changes in the window URL for better UX. According to the Turbo documentation, ...
noam steiner's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails: File field with stimulus controller breaks when uploading a second file

I have this file field: <div data-controller="file-upload"> <%= file_field_tag "revision_photos[photo][]", name: &...
jose saez's user avatar
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Symfony 7.1 fresh install with asset mapper / stimulus bundle gives "@hotwired/stimulus was a bare specifier" when rendering page

I am installing a new Symfony 7.1 / PHP 8.3.8 app with asset mapper and stimulus bundle and I am encountering issues with making stimulus functional : symfony new my_project_directory --version="...
Teka B's user avatar
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How do I populate intl-tel-input fields with turbo_stream?

I already have the number saved in my database, using a turbo_stream file and using the turbo_power library I need to change the empty value to the number I have in my database (example: +...
Hector Guarçoni's user avatar
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Rails Turbo + Stimulus can't get FrameElement [solved]

I have a stimulus controller and a turbo frame. Based on the documentation, I should be able to reload the frame since it is part of the FrameElement API. Every on change event has the following error:...
user1574956's user avatar
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Turbo rails broadcast_refresh_to does not connect to stimulus controller

Using turbo 8.0.4. Blog model: after_update_commit lambda { |blog| } broadcast_refresh_to blog } In blogs/show.html.erb <%= turbo_stream_from @blog %> <%= tag.div data: {controller: &...
dp7's user avatar
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Why am I getting a CSRF token authenticity error when trying to submit a form_with through my stimulus controller?

I connected a form_with with my stimulus controller, then added the form itself as a target and added an action to point to my stimulus controller's submit function. When I then get the form and try ...
Daniel Gaspar's user avatar
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Heroku router error ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/modules/seat_builder.js")

The error that I am getting, in the Heroku server logs is this: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/modules/seat_builder.js") This error is popping up for every ...
TheCodeSommelier's user avatar
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Enable/disable editable field based on another editable field value in the grid

In my Rails 7 application, I have a Stimulus JS controller that uses AG-Grid to create a table. Each row in the table has an edit button, allowing editing of EDITABLE_FIELDS which are: const ...
mr_muscle's user avatar
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Remove all previous selected options in Tom Select configured with external data

I have two Tom Select (select inputs) configured through Symfony UX Autocomplete and Stimulus : First holds the main category ("Batterie démarrage moto" in the example). Second one is ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Understanding StimulusJS connect() vs initialize() in context of turbo/hotwire

The Stimulus handbook describes the difference between connect/initialize as: initialize(): Invoked only once, when the controller is first instantiated connect(): Invoked anytime the controller is ...
APysnack's user avatar
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How execute js code in rails 7 'create.turbo_stream.erb' file

here is my comment controller code def create @comment = @feed = Feed.find(params[:comment][:feed_id]) @comment.commentable = @feed @...
user24471549's user avatar
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Change the class display after selecting a card with a date in Rails

I'm developing an application for a horsemanship school so they can organize their classes and see who booked a class and whatnot! In the display of all the classes, I've created to help users choose ...
jccsag's user avatar
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Prevent an infinite loop while dispatching JavaScript events calling each other

I have a JavaScript Stimulus "controller" (I don't believe the framework matters here) attached to three different nodes: <div id="foo" data-controller="scanner">&...
gremo's user avatar
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Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON checkout. Using stimulus on Ruby on Rails

basically I'm using stimulusjs in ruby ​​on rails to create an ecommerce, and I'm trying to assign the stripe to my application (remembering that the functionality is on the cart page), but basically ...
Felipe Almeida's user avatar

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