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Questions tagged [stm32]

The STM32 is a family of microcontrollers from ST Microelectronics, based on the Cortex-M ARM cores (M0, M0+, M3, M4, M7, M33 - depending on the product line).

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STM32 not reading temperatures from DS18B20 temperature sensor

I am trying to read temperatures from multiple DS18B20 on a STM32 NUCLEO BOARD. I am currently able to read from a single sensor with the SKIP ROM command, and I am also able to read the sensor ...
jlan's user avatar
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Makefile - Header files not found even after inclusions

I am porting nRF8001 library to a stm32 mcu and in the makefile no matter how I include the header files it's not recognizing the path. I am not sure what's wrong with this makefile TARGET=main ...
Hako's user avatar
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STM32G0B0 writing to PD1 affects PD0

Note: Cross-posted to ST-Community Forum I am running into an issue with the STM32G0B0 MCU: Writing to PD1 seems to result in the opposite value being somehow applied to PD0, even though PD0 is set to ...
Lukas Lang's user avatar
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How do I install OpenSTLinux onto STM32MP1 series?

How do I install OpenSTLinux onto STM32MP1 series? I have heard that I should download OpenSTLinux pre-compiled binaries, but I don't know where to find them. I have been searching at github and found ...
euraad's user avatar
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what is the difference between hal_adc_convcpltcallback and hal_adc_pollforconversion?

I am a beginner in using stm32 programming. I figured out that there are two types of complete conversions for ADC. So what are the differences between HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback() and ...
Ziad Hawsawi's user avatar
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How to handle multiple interrupts connected on same interrupt line in STM32?

I have created a circuit to use multiple interrupts in STM32H63 microcontroller. e.g. several interrupt sources are conntected to EXTI0 and similarly for others interrupt lines as well. Now, I know ...
Sachin Sharma's user avatar
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CAN standard/extended identifier mixing bug

I have a question about the STM32F439. I have set up two Can filters, the first with (standard) ID 0x700 and mask 0x780 and a second filter with (extended) ID 0x1CEF0065 and mask 0x1FFFFFFFFF. My ...
floppy's user avatar
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STM32CubeIDE: How to exclude memory sections in linker script from output file

In my cube project, I need to generate a bin file as the output. The output bin file is over 2GB because it includes a RAM section (0x30000000) in the output as well as the required flash section (...
ethan's user avatar
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Using latches to capture 8086 bus

Following with that great answer Reverse engineer LCD Protocol used in MPC2000XL The Latches are LS374 I'm trying to capture the data using stm32, I have used two latches as the following diagram and ...
Andre Ahmed's user avatar
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How to properly read PWM Duty Cycle using Two Timer (TIM4) Channels?

Library used: Standard Peripheral Library Hardware: Test bench that can generate two pwm signals ( A and B ) Cable that connects the test bench to the other board Other board that should read the ...
Aiman's user avatar
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Unwinding Stack on Cortex-M with FreeRTOS: Handling Interrupts and Stopping Conditions

I am writing an unwinder for a Cortex-M (an ARM processor) running FreeRTOS. It mostly works, and I can trace the stack in many cases, but I have encountered a few issues that I haven't been able to ...
Theo Bessel's user avatar
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CLion vs Stm32CubeIDE build size

I'm working on an embedded project for STM32 Bluepill. I was using Stm32CubeIDE for development but I recently transitioned to CLion (Jetbrains) as I really like that IDE. However, I noticed there's a ...
user975068's user avatar
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STM Nucleo F091RC: Only 4 Out of 8 USART Ports Working with HardwareSerial Library – How to Fix the Remaining Ports?

I'm using Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO and the Arduino framework to work with the STM Nucleo F091RC. I'm encountering an issue where only 4 out of the 8 USART ports are responding when using the ...
raven tramper's user avatar
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How/When exactly does Cortex-M4 (STM32 F4) switch its R13 from MSP to PSP? Do i have to manually switch if using PSP in inline asm?

I'm writing my own RTOS and I'm implementing the context switch function, where I have to use PSP. The function is written in inline assembly I was working on another project on STM32 F4 writing ...
Tsz Kit Koon's user avatar
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STM32 F446 Nucleo halts on Polymorphism

I'm wondering what the possible causes of an MCU halting on a polymorphic function call might be. I have the following code. I can call the member function directly on the non-pointer variable. ...
eclewlow's user avatar
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