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Questions tagged [subclassing]

A subclass, "derived class", heir class, or child class is a modular, derivative class that inherits one or more language entities from one or more other classes.

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switching from subclassed model to functional api HOW

I was replicating a paper that has a complex model built in pytorch and wanted it in tensorflow for ease of use (I have been working for a while with tensorflow seems user friendly more for me please ...
ahmed mahmoud's user avatar
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How does JavaScript "decide" how to print a class name?

I'm trying to write an inheritence logic where I clone an input class and inherit from remaining parent classes. In order to do that, I need to create a new class, deep copying one of the classes ...
ozgeneral's user avatar
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Is it possible to define a subclass in python that creates a new atomic attribute?

I'll call an "atomic" attribute of a python class to be one from which all other user defined attributes derive. For example, the attribute a in the class below is atomic to A because all ...
gdavtor's user avatar
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Adding a method to an existing enum in Python

I have an existing enumeration with a number of values defined in package b, and I want to add behavior in the current package a. I understand that you can't directly subclass an enum with existing ...
Paul's user avatar
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CMFCButton with transparent background

I have developed a class that subclasses from CMFCButton. I load three PNG images (with transparent zones) to the button foreground in the DrawButton function for three states: Normal Hovered Pushed ...
al072's user avatar
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Subclassing Pandas Series without losing original methods

I'm trying to implement my subclass of pd.Series, but original pd.Series methods don't work as expected and return Nan class Subclass(pd.Series): # see
Mary.A's user avatar
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Is there a simple way to subclass python's set without redefining all operators?

Is there a way to subclass set, with the binary operator returning the subclassed type, without redefining them ? example : class A(set): pass a = A([1,2,3]) & A([1,2,4]) a.__class__ == A # ...
hl037_'s user avatar
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In Pyside2, when I subclass QSqlTableModel how do I write the data method without generating maximum recursion depth errors? [duplicate]

I have a working application in Pyside2 that displays a QSqlTableModel in a QSqlTableView. Three of the fields display raw seconds, like "6282" meaning six thousand and some seconds into a ...
Persistent at Python's user avatar
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why the output of the tape.gradient is None? (Tensorflow)

EPOCHS = 10 LR = 0.001 loss_object = MeanSquaredError() optimizer = Adam(learning_rate = LR) load_metrics() @tf.function def trainer(): global train_ds, train_loss, model global optimizer, ...
LHB's user avatar
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Subclassing dict to give it inital values from a JSON file doesn't work as expected

I come from a C/C++ background I would like to subclass dict to make one that automatically opens a JSON file. Here's the code and problem: class DictFromJSON(dict): def get_from_file(self, ...
Kiwewi's user avatar
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How to change object attributes when overloading __getitem__ in np.ndarray subclassing

I have the following code: class myarray(np.ndarray): def __new__(cls, input_array): # Input array is an already formed ndarray instance # We first cast to be our class type ...
Jiadong's user avatar
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How to automatically forward class instance methods to another object's methods?

Regarding the following example code, is there any type-safe way of automatically forwarding any of the prototypal method calls, each to its related method of another object? class Foo { greet() { ...
Adam B.'s user avatar
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overwrite np.ndarray __getitem__

Target I'm dealing with 2D time-series data, and never use negative indexing. So I want to subclass np.ndarray that negative and out-of-bound indexing in axis 0 will return a nan-augmented matrix with ...
LeonM's user avatar
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Is an empty subclass of UIAlertController safe for use with `appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf:)`

Somebody here on SO wanted to alter the behavior of UIAlertAction buttons in a specific UIAlertController, but not others. (They wanted multi-line button labels for one alert but normal behavior for ...
Duncan C's user avatar
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How to dynamically create a subclass from a given class and enhance/augment the subclass constructor's prototype?

I have an unusual situation where I need to dynamically generate a class prototype then have a reflection tool (which can't be changed) walk the prototype and find all the methods. If I could hard ...
DoomGoober's user avatar
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