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Questions tagged [unity-game-engine]

Unity is a cross-platform game engine by Unity Technologies. Questions should be about programming with the game engine and not usage of the graphical interface. Questions about the usage of the graphics interface are off topic.

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When I edit UnityPackage and Export & Import, I get "The type or namespace name 'xxxxx' could not be found"

I'm a beginner with Unity. I imported a UnityPackage distributed on GitHub into my scene. There were no errors when I imported the UnityPackage distributed on GitHub. After making a small edit to the ...
taichi's user avatar
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How can I make my enemy target a player who enters the scene?

So to explain a little further, I want an enemy from scene 2 to target a player that starts in scene 1. I already have a script for the damage and a AI script for the enemy, to chase the player, but I ...
Adeline Haun's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create a list that spawns enemies that are placed into the list via the unity inspector

I am trying to create a list of enemies that can be spawned via trigger in unity. However I am running into an issue where my public GameObject enemy seen in the enemiesToSpawn class is called on ...
Thomas Wilson's user avatar
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1 answer

Unity3d does not receive inputs from xorg unless I use a window manager

I'm building an embedded OS for a custom kiosk-like device using buildroot 2024.05. The goal is to display an interactive 3d application written in Unity3d. The reference/developement hardware I'm ...
Konrad Osiński's user avatar
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Weird movement using Mathf.LerpAngle Unity

I was making half 2d ,half 3d game. I wanted the up/down movement to be accompanied by a slight rotation in the direction the player is moving, for that I decided to use Mathf.LerpAngle method , ...
meow's user avatar
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How to create a system for determining whether a player is in the dark or under light?

In my 3D game, I need a system to determine whether the player is standing in complete darkness (returning false) or under a streetlight or any other light source (returning true). The following ...
Ihor Majorov's user avatar
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Vuforia Package Search Request failed

I'm currently developing an app for HoloLens 2 using Unity 2021.3.19f1 and Vuforia 9-8-13. And it just shows this error to me. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) Vuforia.EditorClasses....
BrianHuang's user avatar
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Unity Input System does not work with Steam opened

I'm making a multiplayer game in Unity and I'm using facepunch.Steamworks for the multiplayer. I made a quick virtual cursor to use in my lobby, so that I can move my cursor with controller. Problem ...
leonardo moreo's user avatar
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Module 'FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop' not found

Firebase SDK Version: Unity 12.1.0 Xcode Version: 15.4 Installation Method: CocoaPods Firebase Product: Remote Config Targeted Platform: iOS Issue: I got an error: Module 'FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop' ...
An Trịnh's user avatar
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Why textMeshPro makes gc when called SetCharArray?

I am new about Unity. Consider the following function: public void SetCharArray(char[] sourceText, int start, int length) { PopulateTextBackingArray(sourceText, start, length); ...
user25957020's user avatar
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Ironsource LevelPlay Unity DemoProject always Ads are not available for rewarded and Interstitial Android build

A fresh new project I imported the LevelPlay package 8.2.0 added android.useAndroidX=true android.enableJetifier=true Otherwise it fails to build MobilDependencyResolver resolved ...
Slim Hidri's user avatar
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Unity Editor never releasing memory

I've been working on my unity project, and this happened: So, my project has some Recursive functions, since it is about making a chess engine(rule-based AI). And when I test it out, I find my memory ...
E_ple's user avatar
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Controller doesn't work after LoadScene in Unity using input system, but works perfectly in his own scene?

Edit: I made a screen record since it's easier to show rather than explain I'm making a multiplayer game in unity and i wanted to implement the possibility to use a controller to move the cursor in my ...
Leonardo Moreo's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is this problem of Unity collision count happening?

I'm counting down the collisionCount to get button out if I crash three times. However, the collisionCount is not counted properly, so it continues to be counted as 1. I'm asking questions because I ...
jin ichi's user avatar
-2 votes
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Raycast hits random object

i'm making a game in Unity and i found problem that my raycast points at object but collides with other object called "mm", which is a wall and isn't even near raycast and not points at it. ...
frag's user avatar
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