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Questions tagged [vite]

For questions about using Vite, a two-part build tool (dev server + build command) that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.

73 votes
18 answers

Vue 3 Vite - dynamic image src

I'm using Vue 3 with Vite. And I have a problem with dynamic img src after Vite build for production. For static img src there's no problem. <img src="/src/assets/images/my-image.png" alt=...
Ondrej Vencovsky's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

running a vite dev server inside a docker container

I have a Vue-cli app that I'm trying to convert to vite. I am using Docker to run the server. I looked at a couple tutorials and got vite to run in development mode without errors. However, the ...
Paulie's user avatar
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3 votes
9 answers

Error in React vite project due to rollup dependency (module not found)

I am facing an error in react vite project. snippet from package.json "react": "^18.2.0", "vite": "^5.0.0", "vite-plugin-svgr": "^4.2.0", ...
Shweta Yadav's user avatar
118 votes
8 answers

How can I use Vite env variables in vite.config.js?

With the following .env in my Vite project: # To prevent accidentally leaking env variables to the client, only # variables prefixed with VITE_ are exposed to your Vite-processed code VITE_NAME=...
Matt's user avatar
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70 votes
19 answers

Unable to import SVG with Vite as ReactComponent

Tried to use this library: vite-plugin-react-svg and had no success by importing it like: import { ExternalLink } from 'assets/svg/link-external.svg?component'; Are there any workarounds for this ...
Gabriel Nadaleti's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Vite not working well with React-Router-Dom on deployed build

import { Route, Routes, BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom"; import { SnackbarProvider } from "notistack"; import { useState, useEffect } from "react"; ...
Alexander Ukwueze's user avatar
89 votes
16 answers

"TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module" on Vue/Vite vanilla setup

We have a vanilla Vue/Vite setup and I'm receiving TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module on sentry logs. It seems like the errors are correlated in time with new deployment to prod, ...
Fernando H'.''s user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Vite - change ouput directory of assets

By default Vite generates files in the source directory under dist. my-app/ ├─ node_modules/ ├─ dist/ │ ├─ assets/ | | | index.js | | | index.css │ ├─ index.html ├─ index.html ├─ ...
mahan's user avatar
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156 votes
16 answers

How to load environment variables from .env file using Vite

I want to load environment variables from the .env file using Vite I used the import.meta.env object as mentioned in Docs .env file: TEST_VAR=123F when trying to access this variable via the import....
Mohamed Fadl's user avatar
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142 votes
14 answers

`Vue3 - Vite` project alias src to @ not working

I have installed the project with vue3 - vite importing a component like import Component from '../../../../components/Component.vue' i just want to alias the src folder and do import Component from '...
Oleksii Zelenko's user avatar
49 votes
7 answers

Vite / Vue 3 : "require is not defined" when using image source as props

I switched from the Vue CLI to Vite CLI, and from the Composition API of Vue 3 to SFC Script setup API. How it previously worked for me When I was using the official Vue CLI, I could import an image ...
Dony's user avatar
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42 votes
13 answers

Vite 'global is not defined'

I'm creating a project using Vite with vanilla-ts, at one point I had to use the readdir method from the fs-extra package, but it created an error saying process is not defined, some suggested I place ...
8BitSoda's user avatar
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32 votes
8 answers

Buffer is not defined in React-vite

Buffer is not defined after migrating from CRA(create react app) "vite": "^2.7.12" I try to add plugins, add define for Buffer, but it's not work. const viteConfig = defineConfig({...
Николай Сычев's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I completely disable chunking in Vite and Rollup?

I'm back in Laravel development after being out of practice since 2019ish. I'm more accustomed to Mix than to Vite but I like the @vite helpers in Blade. For this app I have to provide a Firebase ...
politicoder's user avatar
101 votes
13 answers

Absolute path not working in Vite project React TS

I'm struggling to get absolute path to work in a Vite react-ts project. Here's how I created the project npm init @vitejs/app npx: installed 6 in 1.883s √ Project name: ... test-vite √ Select a ...
Alex Monkey's user avatar
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