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Questions tagged [voyager]

Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and more.

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Using the voyager navigation to handle back pressed after login screen, should pop the login screen

I am using the voyager library for navigation in my android app. version 1.0.0 But I have an issue with navigation from the login screen to the home screen. ...
ant2009's user avatar
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Laravel Voyager Custom relationship attributes not working

I am using Laravel v:9.52.16 on PHP 8.1.0 According to the documentation of Laravel Voyager Custom relationship attributes: Suppose I have a PlatformCategory Model and its related table in the ...
Mohammed Ali's user avatar
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How do I place a custom link in the Laravel Voyager administrator?

I want to place in the Laravel Voyager administrator menu a link for a custom view that I have, not for a CRUD. But, I want to do it directly from a Seeder, so that it is not deleted in case I freshen ...
José Vicente López Delgadillo's user avatar
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Android Jetpack Compose and voyager pass topBar height and navigation bar height between screens

I'm developing an app using jetpack compose and I ran into issues while positioning my content inside of the space left in between the top bar and the bottom navigation bar, what I'm looking for is a ...
Alexandru Nitan's user avatar
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Save the Instance of the screen while navigating in Jetpack compose, Voyager Library?

I have got an scenario here! For example, In Screen A I called an API and fetched list, and when clicked on item of the list, i pushed to Screen B. when i come back from B to A, the API is called once ...
Srijan Khadka's user avatar
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Accessing the same instance of view model between to compose screens while using voyager navigation

I have created two screens and I want to access the same data from the dame view model class GalleryFolderScreen() : Screen { @Composable override fun Content() { ...
Jojo Gee's user avatar
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Deeplink in IOS With Voyager KMP

I need to implement deep linking with URL Scheme in iOS, but how can I connect that native Swift code to Voyager? The documentation suggests adding this function to the AppDelegate. How can I create ...
Ghasem Shirdel's user avatar
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voyager tabNavigation visibility

I want to hide tabNavigation when I do nested navigation with voyager this there a way to do it because i found nothing talking about this in the documentation
Hassen's user avatar
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How to sort elements with children elements in Laravel Voyager?

I'm designing a model which has these fields: title -> VARCHAR(255) description -> TEXT order -> FLOAT parent_id -> INTEGER As you see, this model has a field named as parent_id which ...
sundowatch's user avatar
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Voyager Admin Panel Bulk Update With Old Data

I am using the bulkUpdate library for Voyager Admin Panel. I am currently facing the problem where when choosing the rows to update, I will need to pass a specific status to my formfield for some ...
Chun Yuan Yeoh's user avatar
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How to use Laravel/Scout with database driver on multilangual model,

I have model Post, which is searchable and translatable, I want to apply search on translations too. For translation I use Laravel Voyager's default translation, which I believe is same as https://...
Mr.Davit's user avatar
2 votes
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Show/hide bottom tab bar while using Voyager in Compose multiplatform

I am using Voyager in my compose multiplatform project and I have a question regarding how we can show/hide the bottom tab bar based on the scrolling direction of a LazyColumn inside HomeTab. I have ...
Madhan Shah's user avatar
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Display Content between Admin Panel And View Using Laravel Voyager Admin Panel

I have installed Laravel Voyager Admin Panel on my Laravel Project which allows me to Update Users' Data at the Admin. At the same Users can also update their profile details on their own individual ...
Kumi Kwasi's user avatar
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Tinymce add custom button on Voyager

I have to create a custom button on my TinyMCE editor on Voyager, but its not working, Here is my code: function tinymce_setup_callback(editor) { console.log("loaded"); editor.ui....
user1496204's user avatar
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How do I add 'Select All' feature in a multi select | Laravel | Voyager - v1.6.0

Started learing Laravel and Voyager, I have a 'users' table wita a 'belongs to many' relationship with 'department' table. When creating a user, there is multi-select dropdown that save which ...
Naushad Punjani's user avatar

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