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Questions tagged [wdio-v6]

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Unable to click scrolled element in WDIO , but it working via console not in browser.execute

In WDIO automation after scrolling in the page web page am able to new see elements are getting loaded. I can click those elements in console option E.g Working in browser - document.querySelector('...
Manoj jzy's user avatar
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The value of "browser" object in Before hook is undefined in wdio cucumberjs

I am using cucumberjs, @wdio/cucumber-framework(version:7.16.13), wdio(version: 7.16.13) along with javascript. Due to some issue I have to define before hook of wdio in my step definition file(...
a Learner's user avatar
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@wdio/local-runner exiting with exit code 1. Failed in firefox. Not able to launch test session in firefox

I am using wdio,cucumber to run test framework using firefox browser. My package.json is: { "name": "abc", "description": "abc", "version":...
a Learner's user avatar
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multiple wdio.conf.js files and same hook repeated in both of them

I am using javascript, nodejs, npm, wdio, cucumber in my testing automation framework. In my main project root folder I have wdio.conf.js file. Suppose there is a dependency in node_modules folder ...
a Learner's user avatar
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Why we use await in front of wdio commands $ and $$

I am beginner to wdio(version 7 onwards). My question is why we put await in front of $(...) or $$(...) commands? $ and $$ retuns element object and array of elements respectively. Then why we use ...
a Learner's user avatar
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Firefox and Edge capabilities settings for deactivating images - WDIO

I want to run cross browsing testing instead of only one browser (Chrome) for configuring Chrome to run headless and deactivate images i use the following in wdio.conf.js file : browserName: 'chrome',...
Asmoun's user avatar
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How to disable the internet in wdio mocha selenium?

I am using the below codes in my script but the internet is not getting disconnected. 1st try: await browser.setNetworkConditions({ latency: 0, throughput: 0, offline: ...
Vaibhav_Sharma's user avatar
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How to set viewport in WDIO V6?

Is there a way to set viewport in current version of WebDriverIO i.e. V6(async)? I want to set responsive dimensions for the inner browser and not outer browser size. I tried to zoom out using : ...
Prachi's user avatar
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How to intercept and parse a video from Android app?

The task is to understand if a video quality really changed after changing it on Android app. API answer's interception isn't enough 'cause it can be misleading. The only way is to somehow get a video ...
Павел Родин's user avatar
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How to handle when electron app and chrome browser capabilities require different versions of chromedriver

My test environment has below setup: @wdio/selenium-standalone-service": "^6.11.0" node12 (so wdio-electron-service is not an option at the moment) google chrome version 102.0.5005.61 ...
Claire's user avatar
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Accessing arguments/parameters of an Allure report during execution?

In the testing framework we are using allures .addArgument method to add a parameter to the report for the name of team which owns a particular test. AllureReporter.addArgument('teamName', 'myTeam');. ...
DublinDev's user avatar
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WebdriverIO - Running tests in gitlab

I am trying to run my tests in the gitlab pipeline and I keep getting the same error: Here is my yml: stages: - setup - test setup: stage: setup image: node:latest ...
Jason Tur's user avatar
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Unable to run tests when passing multiple cucumber tags as run time argument in package.json

I am trying to run multiple cucumber tags when I am passing them from package.json. it is not able to invoke any tests however it works if i hardcode them in wdio.conf.js. I am using below statement ...
DevX's user avatar
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WebDriverIO - Error switching to iframe in Salesforce application (WDIO v7, Chrome Browser v96.0.4664.45)

We had written a test using WDIO, which was executing as expected on Chrome browser v95.X. With Chrome browser upgrading to v96.0.4664.45, the test has started failing throwing an error. Detail as ...
SOFUser's user avatar
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How to click input type=radio in webdriverIO

I'm trying to write some tests using WDIO but stumble on the following issue. I don't really understand how to click() input type=radio. Here how it looks in DOM So I need to click the right one. I ...
Павел Родин's user avatar

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