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Questions tagged [wdio-jasmine]

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WebdriverIO + Jasmine: How to make use of grep to filter the spec files

I have a suite folder with 3 spec files configured. In one of the spec file it block has the description "_smoke" but when using the jasmineOpts.grep=_smoke it does not filter the spec file ...
rakesh prabhakar balraj's user avatar
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WebdriverIO + Jasmine: How to exclude a specific test file when running a suite based on that test file name

We are on latest 8.X WebdriverIO version and latest Jasmine 4.X at this moment, using latest Node 18.X. In my Wdio.conf.js file I have suite: all: [ 'path/test1.js', 'path/test2.js'], test1.js has a ...
Goran's user avatar
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Is there a way to skip all tests in a suite if a certain conditions fail - JavaScript Jasmine?

Is there a way to skip all tests in a suite if a certain conditions fail? I.e) if the webpage is not opening, there is no point in running the rest of the tests, because they all depend on the webpage ...
Suzy's user avatar
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544 views (wdio) - Browserstack - waitforDisplayed fails

I'm working on some tests with wdio 6 (on my way to upgrade it to 7) and I've been receiving this error on a very simple test it('Renders unit list', () => { $('.unit-list .bookable-...
MikeVelazco's user avatar
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after npm install webdriverio ./node_modules/.bin/wdio: No such file or directory

I cannot find node_modules/.bin/wdio after having installed on W10. So, I cannot run Appium tests Thanks for any support Lorenzo
LorenzoGi's user avatar
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WebdriverIO-Jasmine Async function did not complete within 10000ms

I am using WDIO with Jasmine and Chai. I am getting the below error and I have been trying to find the root cause for more than a day now. Error: Timeout - Async function did not complete within ...
Afsal's user avatar
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WebdriverIO and Angular, writing e2e tests in typescript that import classes (Cannot use import statement outside a module)

I am trying to get a wdio set of e2e tests working. Some of the tests use some utility classes written in typescript. When the test is being compiled it is falling over this error: Spec file(s): D:\...
Rob Gansevles's user avatar
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How can I access the file name a test runs in from inside the afterTest hook in a wdio config file?

I am trying to access the file name each test runs in from the afterTest hook in my wdio config file. However, none of the parameters provided to the hook includes the file name. I tried maybe getting ...
IAmWearingAPinkShirt's user avatar
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How to get pseudo elements in WebdriverIO+Appium

I want to get a value (content) from the CSS of a pseudo element (::before) while inside a test made using WDIO and Appium for an Android hybrid app because the designer has stored the current ...
Carolus's user avatar
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Increment the value in a TextBox using the Arrow Inside the Box

In an automation code, I want to fill the text-box with a number greater than 0. setvalue() doesn't work. A user would have to click on the up arrow (see picture) to make the text-box editable. How ...
RSSregex's user avatar
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wdio+jasmine reRun/retry single test spec it('',()=>{},3) doesn't work

I am using "wdio" with "jasmine" test framework and trying to reRun a single test spec following but retry is not happening. I am running following code using ...
Ankur A's user avatar
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Webdriver.IO - check in a non-blocking way whether an element exists

Rookie question. I am using to write Appium end to end tests. I am using these commands to check the presence of an element: $(selector) browser.waitForVisible(selector, timeout, ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Webdriver.IO: How do I run a specific 'it' statement in Jasmine using WDIO

I am trying to pull out a smoke suite from my regression suite written using the Jasmine framework (wdio-jasmine-framework). Is it possible to just add a tag on specific testcases in Jasmine?
user3920295's user avatar