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Questions tagged [wkurlschemehandler]

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iOS WKWebView - WKURLSchemeHandler Crash On didReceiveResponse(EXC_BAD_ACCESS)

I use WKURLSchemeHandler to handle some internal request (like home page, web page restore, etc). Sometimes when I call urlSchemeTask.didReceive(urlResponse), app will crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Here ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Implement WKURLSchemeHandler to intercept http, https error NSInternalInconsistencyException

I refer to How to enable WKURLSchemeHandler to do work off main thread? and try to change to objective-c, but still report an error, Terminating app due to uncaught exception '...
Eddy W's user avatar
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WKURLSchemeHandler and fetch requests with custom scheme

I have an application that displays some HTML content with a WKWebView. I'm using a WKURLSchemeHandler attached to the webview configuration to respond to requests for local resources. This works as ...
Paul Tiarks's user avatar
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How to fix status code 0 in fetch and XMLHttpRequest for response created by WKURLSchemeHandler

I need to embed html5 games in my app. (Embed into binary, in a such way that i don't need internet connection). I open index.html with loadHTMLString(htmlContentString, baseURL: "myschemename:///...
Mark's user avatar
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WKURLSchemeHandler NSInternalInconsistencyException with Task cancellation

I have a problem with WKURLSchemeHandler and Task cancellation and provided an example implementation below. The problem is, that sometimes right after webView(_:stop:) is called (and "Stopping ...
fxvdh's user avatar
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WKURLSchemeHandler crashed on ios13,but ios12 or ios13 later it's works fine

I reference resources enter image description here This is my crash stack * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x18) frame #0: 0x00000001bbb513c4 ...
luca's user avatar
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How to intercept (see) all requests of a site written in React in WKWebView for iOS 13 and higher?

I can't intercept all requests, I tried to use WKNavigationDelegate, schemeHandler and some repositories, but nothing is working. Is there any way to get them?
Igor Belobrov's user avatar
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How to enable WKURLSchemeHandler to do work off main thread?

I am trying to get WKURLSchemeHandler to serve video files for when a WebView uses a custom url scheme. I realize that didReceive(data) can be called multiple times so I have figured out how to load ...
Meisam Seyed Aliroteh's user avatar
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WKURLSchemeHandler and FormData

I develop hybrid application. When JS send XMLHTTPRequest with FormData, App WKURLSchemeHandler custom class receives WKURLSchemeTask with request, but request has no HTTPBody or HTTPBodyStream. Both ...
Silin Vasya's user avatar
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iOS - WKURLSchemeHandler not called on custom scheme

I want to use WKWebView and WKURLSchemeHandler to catch some links with custom schemes. To understand how it works, I've made a simple project (in Objective-C, sorry) with a local html file containing ...
Bruno's user avatar
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WKURLSchemeHandler delegate doesn't get called during evaluateJavascript

I am loading local html file which will load first and then I will have to load an image that is also available locally only after the html is loaded fully. So, I am setting src for the image tag ...
nOOb iOS's user avatar
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How to implement a native WKURLSchemeHandler in cordova-ios 6.1.0

I am working on a cordova ios (6.1.0) project and i want to implement a native WKURLSchemeHandler to intercept the custom scheme handling to solve my cors problems. In detail I want to do something ...
user2048767's user avatar
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How to replace WKWebView response with internal resource files?

I have a WKWebView that present an HTML file from the project resource files. Along with the resource files there are CSS and JavaScript files for the web view to use. Side note: These web files are ...
Bar Malka's user avatar
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How to load local CSS in a remote web page in WKWebView?

Updated question I am loading a remote page that I control into a WKWebview in my app and customizing it by loading local CSS and font files. At page load, in webView:didFinishNavigation:, I am ...
Tom Hamming's user avatar
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WKWebView's WKUrlSchemeHandler and Cookies with the Secure property

Since iOS 11, you could use WKURLSchemeHandler with WKWebView: A protocol for loading resources with URL schemes that WebKit doesn't know how to handle. If you used a custom-scheme - let's say ...
rustyMagnet's user avatar
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