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Selecting profiles with multiple startup projects

Please know that in 2024 there is also a visual studio option that allows switching between multiple "multi-launch" setups: It can be activated here: Environment - Preview Features - Enable ...
Sjors Miltenburg's user avatar
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Windows authentication in DevTunnels

After investigation, we can't use Windows Authentication when penetrating the intranet. I have verified it by using DevTunnel and Ngrok. When using devtunnel, we will get a url. After parsing it ...
Jason Pan's user avatar
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How to mock IConfiguration.GetSection("foo").get<Type>();

For such simple cases, you dont even need Mocking. [Test] public void ConfigurationBuilderTest() { var configurationData = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "AppSettings:...
MxNbrt's user avatar
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The service collection cannot be modified because it is read-only

Why occurring this error: In ASP.NET Core, IServiceCollection is used to register various services within the application. Once the BuildServiceProvider() method is called to construct an ...
Yumiao Kong's user avatar
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How to loop through Inner list of object

You can use a base object and inheritance to simplify the code and make it more generic. This base object contains the common properties and a list of child items. public class BaseObject { public ...
shindetsu's user avatar
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How to read the SAML response returned by IdP

I've only used the ItFoxTec library once and haven't had to do this myself yet, but from what I can see in the working code I'm using you need to look at saml2AuthnResponse.ClaimsIdentity ...
Joel Coehoorn's user avatar

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