I have this webpage I saved on my computer that i edited everything i didnt need out of it on inspect element

Im trying to now remove the text inside each profile im following

i found the exact element of each one and their <Div class= their dir= their style= and their bis_skin_checked=

what ever that is, are all the exact

so i figured if i can just find a script to plug into console that deletes or removes all elements like for example delete all A and all A from the wepage are deleted

i could achieve what i want without the tedious work of removing from each one which is 700 by the way

here is the exact entire element

i need every thing on the webpage that has this element to be removed so it disappears off the screen

dir="auto" style="text-overflow:unset;color:rgb(15,20,25)" bis_skin_checked="1"

Visaul Of what im talking about


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