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Questions tagged [console]

A combination of display monitor and keyboard (or other device that allows input) for system monitoring and administration.

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Start vlock as a screensaver on console only debian

I am using a revived Chromebook as a secondary laptop. The eMMC is mostly fried, but I have a UEFI grub settup that boots Debian from an SD card. It is console only - no X11, etc. I can get the screen ...
Peter Weston's user avatar
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How to delete all exact element tags in inspect element console with this querySelectorAll method? [duplicate]

think of this as giving a manual of how to do querySelectorAll method to dummies because it is now dont use terms i understand that actually confuses me just explain but do it thourally please with ...
Olstice's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to delete all exact element tags in inspect element console [duplicate]

I have this webpage I saved on my computer that i edited everything i didnt need out of it on inspect element Im trying to now remove the text inside each profile im following i found the exact ...
Olstice's user avatar
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How to delete all the exact same elements in inspect element console

I have this webpage I saved on my computer that i edited everything i didnt need out of it on inspect element Im trying to now remove the text inside each profile im following i found the exact ...
Olstice's user avatar
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Run PowerShell Script With Large Font Size

I want to run a powershell script with customized console properties without changing the default properties. I know the default font size is too small for me (14). I can change it permanently in ...
Oprex Droid's user avatar
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how to check the log of console in Xcode

Recently I'm writing a program using swift about MMKV. I raised an issue about a function, and was asked to provide the log of console.Does anyone know how to check that? Many thanks!
Echoing's user avatar
17 votes
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How does ls know how to output its results?

While creating a bash script, I found that this code ls puts all files on one line: pi@raspberrypi:~/ptlrestinterface$ ls web.config MyApp.runtimeconfig.json still ls | head -n1 ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
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How to hide or disable the cmd console when starting an executable

I wrote an executable that displays a window on the screen and gets some use input. It is bound to ��� Win+N: #n:: Run "C:\Perso\dev-perso\dly\dly.exe" My problem: this also opens a cmd (or ...
WoJ's user avatar
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How to change codepage for WSL console?

I've read Problems when using "New Windows Terminal" to ssh into non-UTF codepage servers where an answer suggests using LUIT or maybe Screen. But I am wondering if there is a different ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
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Blinking text in initramfs

I use echo -e "\x1b[01;05;32m *** \x1b[0m" for print blinking stars, and all works fine. But when I try change resolution by kernel parameter vga=0x0307 and\or grub options ...
andrew's user avatar
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Ubuntu bash terminal under wsl unexpectedly switches to "jump over the words" input mode

Below I assume that there are two input modes for terminal (console): in "normal mode" when you press ← your cursor moves to the left by 1 symbol, when you press → your cursor moves to the ...
AntonioK's user avatar
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Capture Output of Alt-SysRq Command Input via "True" Linux Console

Couldn't find an answer to this basic question, prolly due to weak Google-fu... Open a "true" console in Linux (CtrlAltF1) Login to the newly opened console as user AltSysRqSpace (Thanks!) ...
Digger's user avatar
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Ser2net returns double lines in terminal. What to do?

I'm pretty new to Linux, but I decided to build my own console server to connect to my Cisco devices. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 on which I did install ser2net and it works just fine. But when I enter ...
Tjaa's user avatar
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PuTTY vs ssh.exe on Windows for ssh connections

When I want to connect via ssh to Linux servers from my Windows laptop, my main choices are using PuTTY as I have for 20 years, or using the ssh.exe that's now default on all Windows systems (Win10+) ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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Cannot read error in console nor via redirect

What I have done: Installed Ubuntu Server 20.04.6LTS to SSD (/sda), extra drives HDD (/sdb). There is an extra HDD (call it /sdc for now) that was RAID1. RAID1: I followed the ideas outlined here, ...
Tommy Gibbons's user avatar

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