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Questions tagged [bash]

Bash is a free shell for Unix-like operating systems from the GNU Project.

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2 answers

bash + how to insert date before line

lets say I want to pipe the date output in the beggining of some text for example echo "this line is test line" | date and expected output should be Wed May 22 14:55:10 UTC 2024 this line ...
King David's user avatar
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how to install memcached via pecl?

I'm trying to install memcached and am having some difficulty. Here's what I tried: apt-get update apt-get install memcached libmemcached-dev libzip-dev pecl install memcached pecl install memcached ...
neubert's user avatar
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changing the directory a tarball decompresses to

When I do wget and then tar xvzf install-tl-unx.tar.gz the files get extracted (right now) to install-tl-20240521. On the CLI it's ...
neubert's user avatar
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Store output of command history

Is there some way to record not only the commands that I type in my terminal, but also their ouput? Is there maybe something that I can add to my .bashrc that could act similar to passing all commands ...
TheFibonacciEffect's user avatar
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How to find matching yaml files based on content

I have a bunch of files that contain yaml. Some files are yaml-only, some have yaml front-matter. I would like to be able to query the list of files to return a list that match certain criteria. In ...
user2567544's user avatar
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ls -ltr on the terminal lists the files but says "No such file or directory" in a shell script

I am new to Bash and am practicing some shell scripts. I wanted to write a script to list all the folders and their file count, if a root path is passed as a parameter value from the terminal. The ...
MNIA's user avatar
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SOX do not want name files

Want to record a radio broadcast into separated files. receiver | sox -traw -r8k -es -b16 -c1 - -b16 -es -c1 -r48000 -t wav ~/myfolder/$(date +%H_%M_%S).wav silence 1 0.10 0.1% 1 1 0.1% : newfile : ...
Oleg M's user avatar
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Abstracting echo && return in Bash

In Bash I want to be able to write something like: tst() { [ -z "$1" ] && die "No parameters provided!" # do whatever } but I cannot define die like this: die() { ...
Erick Calder's user avatar
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Connect to PEAP wifi network on mac with a shell script

I am making a shell script for my mac and part of it requires connecting to my school's wifi network. I have tried both of the following commands and while the settings wifi tab says that the computer ...
Nicholas Parker's user avatar
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File with no permission accessed with sudo

as no user have any permission to read file.txt,then why/how 'sudo cat file.txt' prints file contents? bs01316@bs01316:~/test$ ls -l total 4 ---------- 1 bs01316 bs01316 6 মে 7 16:20 file.txt ...
yolin00's user avatar
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How to do a Proximity text search, 2 + words?

What is a Linux terminal command to do a Proximity text search? Search a directory, recursively, for files that contain : 2 words or more within 99 characters of each other any order of above words. ...
joseph22's user avatar
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Why executing 'bash' in the terminal opens wsl on Windows 10?

When I run the 'bash' command in the terminal, my console automatically switches to the 'wsl' mode. Why is this happening and how do I stop this behavior? It causes problems when I run other scripts, ...
Andrii Hnatushchenko's user avatar
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git - using gitconfig to switch repository host address

So right now I have some alias in my ~/.ssh/config: Host github_company_a HostName Host github_company_b HostName and I use the alias directly: git clone git@...
Prometheus's user avatar
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How does ls know how to output its results?

While creating a bash script, I found that this code ls puts all files on one line: pi@raspberrypi:~/ptlrestinterface$ ls web.config MyApp.runtimeconfig.json still ls | head -n1 ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
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bash tab completion when using asterisk prefix for filename matching

I've noticed an undesired behavior with bash tab completion when it comes to filenames and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a fix. Say I have a directory with a bunch of files but only one with a ...
eidna89's user avatar
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