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Higher Education Playbook

The Higher Education Playbook helps institutional leaders shorten the learning curve on adopting open standards. Academic and IT leaders, curriculum and education technologists, IT specialists, and development teams can use this easy-to-use reference and resource center to build a seamless and future-ready plug-and-play edtech ecosystem. 1EdTech members participating in the HED Innovation Leadership Networks create and evolve these resources to benefit the community at large.

Getting Started

  • At a bare minimum, institutions should require 1EdTech standards certification when purchasing new or renewing educational technology products. The 1EdTech Product Directory is the official listing of products guaranteed to meet the 1EdTech standards

  • Statement of Intent to Adopt 1EdTech Consortium Standards in a Timely Manner

  • 1EdTech Global Glossary of Terms: This glossary of terms provides definitions of terms commonly used throughout 1EdTech that users may wish to better understand. It is by no means an exhaustive list of definitions related to our communities, but it has been carefully crafted in the hopes that it will aid in the facilitation of shared understandings of interoperability.

Transformative Digital Learning

Learner Success Retention & Outcomes

Achievement, Opportunity & Employment

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