Women That Build

A Be kind initiative

Fostering diversity and inclusion

Our values of diversity, equity and inclusion are at the forefront of every decision we make. By empowering all women in tech, we hope to inspire lasting global change. Because when unique perspectives come together for a greater purpose, disruptive innovations happen.

Disrupting the tech industry for future generations

We want to change the reality of a male-dominated tech industry by inspiring women and non-binary people to get interested in STEAM-related careers, and create a more diverse and inclusive industry. To challenge the status quo, we want to create a place of inspiration and growth - a place based on equality and diversity.

Committing to improving the gender gap together

The gender gap is real, that's why we are taking steps towards becoming a permanent part of the solution. We are here to change the status quo and to turn a "no" into a "what if?"

What if we celebrate what makes us unique? What if we recognize all the women that are leading the change the world need? What if we start building a more equitable society for all... starting today?

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How do we change reality?

A journey to increase female participation in IT

We designed a program where we accompany women and non-binary people through their career journey, from when they are at school through starting their first job, to further career and professional development. At each stage, we have put in place a variety of training programs and initiatives to help them thrive.

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women that build
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This first step encourages women to become interested in science, technology, and mathematics fields.

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women that build

We are working to improve access to education for women and non-binary people.

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educate - women that build

We apply diversity and inclusion practices in our recruitment processes to increase awareness, understanding, and ensure diversity at scale.

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We accompany women and non-binary people to sustain their careers in different stages of their lives such as when becoming a mother, offering extended maternity and paternity leave.

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As part of our Be Kind initiative, we aim to achieve 50% female and non-binary representation in management positions by 2025.

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Women that Build Talks

Empower yourself and learn from world-changing women leaders during the Women that Build Talks.

be kind talks
Women that Build Awards

At Globant we want this and future generations to live in a world of equal opportunities. The Women That Build Awards are a way to inspire and give visibility to those women who, despite the context, can inspire other women and girls to join the STEM industry. We have had already two editions of the Women that Build Awards focused on promoting and reinforcing the importance of diversity and inclusion.

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Be part of Globant!

Whether you’ve re-entered the workforce after a hiatus or are looking to advance into your next role, the field of tech needs more people like you to fill esteemed leadership positions around the world, create impactful change in the tech sector, and serve as inspiration to future generations of women and nonbinary individuals.

be part of globant

Women That Build is our program to promote the inclusion and professional growth of women in our industry.

women that build awards
Trainings and scholarships

We're putting together a series of resources to support your growth and help the tech industry evolve. Check out all our training and scholarship opportunities we have for you!

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Podcast: Be one of a kind

Listen to inspiring stories told first hand by female leaders and entrepreneurs who manage innovation and promote diversity and inclusion.

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She Soars Program

Our Goal: Detect talented women at the mid-management level and boost their career development through a powerful mentoring program in which the participants will:
Discover their potential
Design their career
Find a sponsor
Integrate new perspectives

Be Kind Talks

Conversations that inspire us: To promote diversity and inclusion at Globant, we started a new cycle of virtual talks where we have open dialogues and reflect on different topics from a gender perspective.

Back in the Game

Six-week mentorship and training program that allows women currently on a career break to resume their tech journeys.

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Women_Globant & Laboratoria
Globant & Laboratoria

Working towards more women in IT: Laboratoria is a non-profit organization focused on career and technology training for young women in Latin America.

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Women_Empower Her
Empower Her

Since 2019, the program has empowered young women from vulnerable backgrounds in India. Over 100 women have undergone the training in the Empower Her Program.

women that build