
Cybersecurity’s role in the digital world

Detect, prevent, and mitigate possible attacks

The role of cybersecurity has evolved rapidly from its traditional scope in recent years. To help businesses adapt, Globant's Cybersecurity Studio established a Digital Cybersecurity Framework founded by our key practices.


Cybersecurity X-Ray

The new digital paradigm challenges companies to re-evaluate traditional cybersecurity approaches. It requires the continuous delivery of security, adding value at every stage.

We evaluate your cybersecurity maturity with two key targets:

  • The organizational security assessment focuses on identifying the organization’s security maturity as a whole. We execute a set of frameworks and guidelines to gather information and create an improvement roadmap.
  • The technical assessment is a loop that includes testing, reporting, and remediation for the internal and external risks relevant to the organization’s digital assets.

We believe that security has to be involved in all stages of the software development lifecycle. We incorporate top cybersecurity frameworks with a shift left approach, adding activities along the software development lifecycle and through automation for seamless integration of security with the business. We help organizations:

  • Build secure software using industry-recognized best practices.
  • Design secure applications by integrating security into the architecture and infrastructure design.
  • Reduce software development costs with security by design, resulting in fewer defects, vulnerabilities, and code fixes during production.
Cloud Security

We leverage on cybersecurity frameworks and best practices in order to implement cloud security based on 5 pillars: Identity, network, application, detection, and continuity. Cloud security has to be evaluated and implemented based on the criticality of the applications and information for the business and the platform size. Security plans should always address the following factors: 

  • Identity and access management for your cloud environments.
  • Network security to protect network access and communications in your resources.
  • Application security to ensure safe workloads in your components.
  • Advanced monitoring to enable visibility and response.
  • Redundancy to achieve your business continuity objectives.
Cybersecurity operations

Effective cybersecurity operations require continuous monitoring for critical assets, validating security configurations, and designing and testing proactive controls. Businesses benefit from proactive actions to detect, prevent, and mitigate possible attacks.

Our Shared Services center has a 24x7 CyberSOC. We offer organizations:

  • Incident detection, incident response, and vulnerability assessments quickly identify and perform a remediation action.
  • Our threat intelligence solution effectively and rapidly reacts to threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Monthly metrics, KPIs and KRIs, combined with strategic information.
Zero Trust Journey

In today's modern era, proactive security requires a perimeter-less approach. Safeguarding your workforce from anywhere necessitates continuous verification at every stage of user operations. With our custom Zero Trust framework, we assess your organization's security posture to pinpoint critical areas of risk and identify gaps across six key pillars:

  • Data
  • Network
  • Identity
  • Device
  • Application
  • Containers

By sharing the evaluation results, we determine your current maturity level and provide you with a tailored roadmap to advance on your Zero Trust journey. Throughout the entire transformation process, we will be there to support and guide you.

Building secure digital experiences

Here at Globant we help organizations create secure digital experiences by improving the maturity of software development processes. We have built proprietary security tools to enable businesses to have better visibility into security risks and quickly take action when needed. Watch our video to find out more.

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