Canadian Jen's Reviews > The Vaster Wilds

The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff
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bookshelves: historical-fiction

This was a yo-yo on my TBR. On and off with up and down reviews.
Groff hasn’t disappointed me yet- so I took a chance.

Her writing is captivating. A servant, who we only know as Girl, has run away and is in the vastness of the wilderness. We learn she arrived to the new country via a boat with a family and how she lost her first love aboard (or overboard in this case) only to find this new country riddled with famine, disease and some barbarian behaviours.

This is a story of courage and survival. The hardships of starvation, assault, poverty, and atrocities done to man by man.
But it was also a visceral read. I felt the dampness, the cold; smelled the fields and the wilderness.
This plight was a fight. It started off as a fearful one which gradually became a quiet and lonely one with only her thoughts; musings; fears; her reflection and acknowledgement of the past; visions; hallucinations and how strength and resilience build character.

This won’t be a read targeted for everyone. It is dark. It is depressing. But there is also a radiance of life.

If you have enjoyed Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff Fates and Furies& Matrix by Lauren Groff Matrix, you may find this one as satisfying.
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Reading Progress

October 20, 2023 – Shelved
October 20, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
October 30, 2023 – Started Reading
October 31, 2023 –
page 130
November 1, 2023 –
page 202
November 2, 2023 –
page 202
November 2, 2023 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
November 2, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 91 (91 new)

message 1: by Jaidee (new) - added it

Jaidee May the Groff be with you Jen ~

Canadian Jen You so clever, Jaidee 😂

message 3: by Christy (new) - added it

Christy fictional_traits This has been languishing on my tbr too! I need to get to it- and The Matrix.

message 4: by Karen (new)

Karen Okay then…. It’s going back on my list.., I was yo yo ing too!
Fantastic review, my friend!

message 5: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Glad this one hit the mark for you.

Dianne Was hoping you would like it! ❤️

message 7: by Carmel (new)

Carmel Hanes One where the darkness is worth enduring? :-) It would seem so.

message 8: by Dana (new) - added it

Dana This has been on again, then off my list, so putting it back on! Thanks for the great review, Jen!

message 9: by Angela M (new)

Angela M Terrific review, Jen. It’s been on my list , but I haven’t rushed read it because of the reviews. But your review has pushed me closer to reading it !

Canadian Jen Christy wrote: "This has been languishing on my tbr too! I need to get to it- and The Matrix."

I enjoyed both, Christy. The reviews aren't swelling with love though. Oh well. Hope you do enjoy both when you get to them

Canadian Jen Karen wrote: "Okay then…. It’s going back on my list.., I was yo yo ing too!
Fantastic review, my friend!"

I was getting dizzy! Looking fwd to your thoughts, Karen!

Canadian Jen Lisa wrote: "Glad this one hit the mark for you."

A satisfying one for sure. Thanks Lisa

Teres Happy you decided not to listen to me, Jen. Even happier to see you enjoyed it.

Canadian Jen Dianne wrote: "Was hoping you would like it! ❤️"

I'm happy to have seen you loved it as that prompted me to move on it while I had it out, Dianne. That was actually the 2nd time I had it out. It was a good one but it def won't be for everyone.

Canadian Jen Teres wrote: "Happy you decided not to listen to me, Jen. Even happier to see you enjoyed it."

LOL. Oh Teres it wouldn't be for everyone for sure. I totally get where you were coming from although I was so intrigued with all the up and down reviews that I thought it might just be worth giving it a try to see if I made it past the first chapters. And you liked Matrix so maybe this is something you just have to be in the mood for?

Canadian Jen Carmel wrote: "One where the darkness is worth enduring? :-) It would seem so."

It surprisingly was, Carmel. But, maybe it's I have to be in the right mood for it. and I was.

message 17: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Fantastic review Jen.

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Excellent review Jen 💖

message 19: by Angela (new)

Angela Wonderful review, Jen!

message 20: by Debra (new)

Debra Terrific review, Jen!

Canadian Jen Dana wrote: "This has been on again, then off my list, so putting it back on! Thanks for the great review, Jen!"

I hear you, Dana. If you are in the right mood I think it will hit you the same :) Hopefully!

message 22: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Really lovely review, Jen! I'm very glad you enjoyed the book. I don't think it's the right one for me, though.

Canadian Jen Angela M wrote: "Terrific review, Jen. It’s been on my list , but I haven’t rushed read it because of the reviews. But your review has pushed me closer to reading it !"

I think you will actually like this one, Angela. I know you read F&F not sure about anything beyond that. She is such a great storyteller. I hope you get to it as I want to know what you think!!

Canadian Jen Thanks Maureen, Margaret, Angela & Debra!

Canadian Jen Jodi wrote: "Really lovely review, Jen! I'm very glad you enjoyed the book. I don't think it's the right one for me, though."

I get that, Jodi. It won't be for everyone but thanks for stopping in :)

message 26: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Glad it ended up working out for you! Terrific review! 💞

Canadian Jen Jayme wrote: "Glad it ended up working out for you! Terrific review! 💞"

Thanks Jayme :)

Bianca (back, catching up) Lovely review, Jen. I'll add it, I enjoyed Fates and Furies. I also saw Groff in Perth some years back.

Shelley's Book Nook Wonderful review, Jen. 🤗💕

message 30: by Tina (new)

Tina I'm glad you enjoyed it even though it's a dark and depressing one. I'll keep it in mind for when I'm in the mood for a story like that. Great review Jen!! 🌟

Canadian Jen Bianca wrote: "Lovely review, Jen. I'll add it, I enjoyed Fates and Furies. I also saw Groff in Perth some years back."

That's awesome, Bianca! Hope you enjoy it :)

message 32: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Crytzer Fry So happy you loved this one, Jen. I finished it last weekend but only got my review up last night. While I was as enamored as you by the descriptions of the wideners and the visceral understanding of her starvation, this one offered a bit of a conundrum for me (my reading was a yo-yo of up and down). In the end, I enjoyed her last novel with greater enthusiasm, while I did appreciate this one.

Canadian Jen Shelley's Book Nook wrote: "Wonderful review, Jen. 🤗💕"

Thanks Shelley!

message 34: by Ann (new)

Ann Excellent review, Jen! I'm glad you liked it!

message 35: by Julie (new)

Julie Excellent review, Jen!! 💖

Canadian Jen Tina wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed it even though it's a dark and depressing one. I'll keep it in mind for when I'm in the mood for a story like that. Great review Jen!! 🌟"

If you enjoy her writing, you may enjoy this one, Tina. But yes, it's a dark one & the mood may need to be just right :)

Canadian Jen Melissa wrote: "So happy you loved this one, Jen. I finished it last weekend but only got my review up last night. While I was as enamored as you by the descriptions of the wideners and the visceral understanding ..."

I did jump over to your review, Melissa but still await your rating. Which one was your last? Matrix?

message 38: by Rosh (new)

Rosh It's rare that a yo-yo book works, so I'm really glad this clicked well for you, Jen!

Cheri Fabulous review, Jen! I fell into these pages easily as it began, despite how dark it sometimes became, but it was one of those books where I could see it all and feel it all.

Canadian Jen thanks Ann & Julie!

Canadian Jen Rosh wrote: "It's rare that a yo-yo book works, so I'm really glad this clicked well for you, Jen!"

I was lucky, Rosh. I did feel the need to read this one despite the other reviews. Not everyone feels the same way on reads so I totally respect that some felt differently

Canadian Jen Cheri wrote: "Fabulous review, Jen! I fell into these pages easily as it began, despite how dark it sometimes became, but it was one of those books where I could see it all and feel it all."

I think it's one of those narratives you just can appreciate the language and the emotions; the ugliness of the world but the beauty too. It just was satisfying for me... and you, Cheri :)

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Lovely review, Jen. I’m hoping I click with this one though I’ll be ready for a darker read.

Canadian Jen Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "Lovely review, Jen. I’m hoping I click with this one though I’ll be ready for a darker read."

I'm looking so fwd to your thoughts, JT. Her writing is splendid :)

Cheri I just finished reading this one not all that long before you read this one. It is dark, and depressing often, but, like you, I found a sense of power in her resilience, which helped with the 'depressing' aspect of the story. An excellent and lovely review, Jen!

Canadian Jen Cheri wrote: "I just finished reading this one not all that long before you read this one. It is dark, and depressing often, but, like you, I found a sense of power in her resilience, which helped with the 'depr..."

Thanks Cheri. I need to check out her other ones that I put off because of those ratings too!

message 47: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie You have me curious! I don’t mind dark and sad, and I liked Fates and Furies, so I should give this one a try! Fantastic review!

Canadian Jen Debbie wrote: "You have me curious! I don’t mind dark and sad, and I liked Fates and Furies, so I should give this one a try! Fantastic review!"

Then I dare you to give this one a go, Debbie!

message 49: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette I just couldn’t finish Matrix, so I’m guessing this one is not for me either. Great review, Jen.

message 50: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Yes the reviews have been very volatile! Great review Jen. I appreciate your insights.

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