Cheri's Reviews > The Vaster Wilds

The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff
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it was amazing
bookshelves: library-book, own, favourites, 2023-publication, 2023-reads

’The moon hid itself behind the clouds. The wind spat an icy snow at angles.
In the tall black wall of the palisade, through a slit too seeming thin for human passage, the girl climbed into the great and terrible wilderness.
Over her face she wore a hood drawn low, and she was slight, both bony and childish small, but the famine had stripped her down yet starker, to root and string and fiber and sinew. Even so starved, and blinded by the dark, she was quick. She scrabbled upright, stumbled with her first step, nearly fell, but caught herself and began to run, going fast over the frozen ruts of the field and all the stalks of dead corn that had come up in the summer already sooty and fruitless and stunted with blight.’

’The wind passed, even as it is passing now, over all the people who find themselves so dulled by the concerns of their own bodies and their own hungers that they cannot stop for a moment to feel its goodness as it brushes against them. And feel it now, so soft, so eternal, this wind against your good and living skin.’

’Into the night the girl ran and ran, and the cold and the dark and the wilderness and her fear and the depth of her losses, all things together, dwindled the self she had once known down to nothing.
A nothing is no thing, a nothing is a thing with no past.
It was also true that with no past, the girl thought, a nothing could be free. ‘

This is the story of this young woman’s journey as she sees the death of so many in the household where she is tasked with caring for the youngest member of the family, until there is no need, and then she is forced to care for the eldest on his deathbed. She steals a pair of boots off the son whose death was recent, some gloves and a cloak off the mistress, and leaves.

This is the story of a life, and a journey to find a place to call home, of both beauty and danger along the way. A journey of finding a place where one feels safe and secure, even as she travels alone through the wilderness. Always having to be more careful, and once she leaves, she has left behind any of those who have offered her even the smallest of gestures, food, water, a roof over her head.

This is a story of a life, how the only one she loved, and who she believed loved her is gone, and how she navigates her life in the years that follow.

’The world, the girl knew, was worse than savage, the world was unmoved.
It did not care, it could not care, what happened to her, not one bit.’
She was a mote, a speck, a floating windborne fleck of dust.

A beautifully written story, an ode to Nature, and the solace found there.
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Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Karen (new)

Karen Wonderful review, Cheri! Will read this soon!

Canadian Jen I'm glad you enjoyed this one too, Cheri!

message 3: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Crytzer Fry Yay - you loved it, Cheri. I definitely appreciated the nature and the gorgeous prose, but had a more complicated relationship with the book (which I'm still pondering). It took me a week to get around to writing my review, but I finally posted it last night!

Cheri Karen, thanks so much! Looking forward to your thoughts on this one!

Cheri Thanks, Jen, it took me a bit to really 'fall into' these pages, but once I did, I was hooked!

Cheri Melissa, I was wondering exactly where this was going when I started reading it, but I just decided to let it lead the way, and I'm glad that I did! Off to read your review!

message 7: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Crytzer Fry Cheri wrote: "Melissa, I was wondering exactly where this was going when I started reading it, but I just decided to let it lead the way, and I'm glad that I did! Off to read your review!"Sometimes that's the best way! Glad it was a home run for you!

Cheri Thanks, Melissa... when I started reading it, I wasn't really sure where it was going, but am glad I continued to read it. I wish you had enjoyed it more, but am sure you'll find one that makes up for it!

message 9: by Ron (new) - added it

Ron I wanted to read, but your review confirms that Cheri. I like the plot idea of venturing towards home and of life. Appreciate your fine review.

Cheri Ron, thank you so much! I was surprised by this one, in the best way. It is a story that involves love, memories and loss, and an epic journey. Looking forward to your thoughts on this one, my friend!

message 11: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa Crytzer Fry Cheri wrote: "Thanks, Melissa... when I started reading it, I wasn't really sure where it was going, but am glad I continued to read it. I wish you had enjoyed it more, but am sure you'll find one that makes up ..."
I AM enjoying The General and Julia right now. Whoop!

Cheri Melissa, I *loved* that one, perhaps, especially since I hadn't read a new book by him in what seemed like ages! I'm so glad to know that you're reading it and enjoying it!

message 13: by Candi (new)

Candi Wonderful review, Cheri! This is tempting but I’m determined to read Arcadia before adding more Groff novels!

Cheri Candi, I haven't read Arcadia, although I have read at least one other of her books. I loved how this one evolved, over time. I look forward to when you read Arcadia!

Fatma Wonderful review Cheri :) I really loved this book too. The writing was breathtaking and made everything so vivid.
I was lucky to have attended an event about this book where Lauren Groff talked about it and her writing process and I was surprised to find out that she's one of the funniest people out there :)

Cheri Fatma, this was one of those books where, once the story started to fall into place for me, it was like slipping into this bubble for me where I was just ‘inside’ the story, and loving it!

message 17: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie This sounds interesting! I loved Fates and Furies and want to try more by this author. Terrific review!

Cheri Debbie, this is a not-long, but winding road of a story - but in a good way. It's heartbreaking at times, but I loved how the story evolves slowly, and with a quietly beautiful sense of resolve.

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