Symbol for capricorn


Dec 22 - Jan 19The GoatEarthSaturn

Capricorn is the disciplined and ambitious achiever of the zodiac. They are hardworking, responsible, and determined to climb the ladder of success.Capricorns are practical strategists who value tradition and long-term goals.




You're ready to show the world what you can do. You might have been keeping your projects or talents a secret, but are now inspired to reveal what you've been working on. This is a good way to learn if you're ready to take it to the next level or ought to go back to the drawing board. With today's supportive energy (and potentially some assistance from the people who love you most), you could get the attention of others quicker than you think.

Your Week In Love

Expect some chaos in your love life -- whether you're looking for it or not. Mars and Uranus meet up in your romance sector on Monday, which could lead to a blast of unpredictable commotion. Singles may enjoy this more than coupled Capricorns, since it can incite a strong desire for someone, along with increasing the potential for a steamy love connection to develop quickly. It may also tempt you to stray if you're already committed to someone else. Otherwise, watch out for a sudden argument about sex or children. The Full Moon in your sign on Sunday only adds to the likelihood that you'll be unhinged emotionally. Yikes!

Your Next 30 Days

Your love life might feel like total bliss this month, offering you more romance and pleasure than you can dream up! This is all thanks to a stunning New Moon in your partnership sector on July 5. This New Moon has nothing but spectacular connections in the sky, making it a total blessing for your romantic situation.

You could get engaged or married or decide to be more exclusive with someone you're dating. Singles have a major opportunity to meet someone new.

If you are single, that sudden meeting could happen as early as July 15, when Mars and Uranus meet up in your romance sector. You might think this person is solely interested in a casual hook-up, only to find yourself pleasantly surprised at the deeper connection you share. If you're thinking about having children, this will also be an extra fertile alignment.

On top of all that, a Full Moon in your sign on July 21 suggests an emotionally charged turning point for you. Your needs are out in the open and you'll make sure that they're being met -- even if you have to do so yourself!

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