Symbol for gemini


May 21 - Jun 20The TwinsAirMercury

Gemini is the curious and versatile communicator of the zodiac. Represented by the twins, they possess a dual nature, which makes them adaptable, witty, and social butterflies. Geminis love to learn and are skilled at seeing both sides of any situation.




Feeling someone else's frustrations may be setting you back. Whether it's their stressed emotions creating havoc for you, or their actions frustrating your plans in other ways, it's important to remember that this is only a temporary situation. There are likely to be many stressors in your current life, especially coming from other people -- intentionally or accidentally. Do your best not to let them get to you, as snapping at them risks damaging your cause more than theirs. Block out the chaos.

Your Week In Love

Early in the week, you might be ready to throw in the towel and give up. This is especially likely to be the case if you've been feeling like your energy and desires have been thwarted -- in love and in other areas of your life. Mars, the planet of action, has been stuck in your 12th House of Solitude, making you feel as if you're essentially invisible. Happily, by Saturday that is sure to change as Mars finally bounces into your sign! Once it's empowering you there, you'll be seen, heard, and all but impossible to ignore. What do you want? Who do you want? The world is yours for the taking!

Your Next 30 Days

Your financial prospects are glittering! A New Moon in your earned income sector on July 5 is making nothing but harmonious aspects, allowing you to maximize any income opportunities that come your way. Whatever financial moves you make now should have you feeling like you can breathe easier.

As Mars enters your sign on July 20, you'll truly feel like the world is yours for the taking. Not only will your overall vitality improve, but so will your ambition and zest for life. You'll have a charismatic edge that excites anyone you're romantically involved with, whether they're your crush or spouse. If you have any major projects or goals you wanted to pursue, this is your time. Success is straight ahead!

A Full Moon in your 8th house on July 21 does signal an ending to a significant financial matter, but it doesn't have to be negative. You could finally pay off a major debt such as a student loan or credit card bill. Maybe you'll receive financing to support payments for a big-ticket item. An investment you made might mature. Anything is possible!

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