<AY 2024>International Center Courses (2024 April- 2025 March) / 2024年度国際センター講座

Basic Information


    • The curriculum of the International Center Courses focuses on as a central theme.

    • The courses are suited for Keio students to im, and to . By studying together with exchange students from the partner universities, students will have opportunities for international exchange through study.

    • There are courses in various fields such as Language and Literature, Art, Cultural and Intercultural Understanding, Science, Religion and Thought, History, Media and Communications, Contemporary Social Issues, Politics, Diplomacy and International Exchange, Business and Management, and Law.

    • 国際センター講座は、として、授業が行われます。講義だけでなく、グループワークを行う科目も多く、多くの留学生と交流しながら共に学ぶことができます。これから留学することを考えている方、留学から帰ってきた方、専攻分野の学習を国際的な視点から深めたい方、多様な価値観に触れて広い視野を養いたい方などにおすすめします。

    • 言語・文学、芸術、文化・異文化理解、科学、宗教・思想、歴史、メディア・コミュニケーション、社会問題、政治、外交・国際交流、ビジネス・経営、法律など、さまざまな分野のコースがあります。

List of Courses/ Course Descriptions

科目一覧/ 概要

The list of courses and course descriptions are available from here.

Open to


  • Short-term International Students (including Keio International Program or Research Program students)

  • Japanese Language Program (JLP) students

  • Full-time undergraduate/ graduate students at Keio.
    *Students of the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Medicine, or the Law School at Keio cannot register for International Center Courses.

  • 正規生(および)

  • 特別短期留学生

  • 別科・日本語研修課程生

Course Restrictions


Courses with a limited number of students for Spring semester

For the details please visit here.

Courses that cannot be added during 2nd-Course Registration Period

Courses that are grayed out on the "Course Registration" during the 2nd Course Registration Period cannot be added.






  • 2 credits per course

      • 各科目2単位


Course Registration


  • Students should register for International Center Courses.

  • Full-time undergraduate and graduate students DO NOT need to come to the Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group) to register.

  • 、それぞれ定められた規則に従って、履修申告を行ってください。

  • 国際センター(学生部国際交流支援グループ)において、履修申告やその他の特別な手続をする必要はありません。

Academic Calendar


◆Academic Calendar 2024 Spring