CEMS Outbound - Applying for CEMS MIM Programme

News & Events

Updated 2024/7/19】

Application guidelines for the 1st Application period for CEMS MIM Year 2025/2026
Application guidelines for the 1st Application period for CEMS MIM Year 2025/2026 are now available. Please see below for details.

Application Procedures and Guidelines (for Keio Students)

When you wish to choose Keio University as your CEMS home university:

First Step:

If you wish to apply for the CEMS MIM Programme but are not enrolled in any of these graduate schools, please follow the Master's program application guidelines provided by the respective graduate schools. You will be eligible to apply for the CEMS MIM Programme after you are enrolled in or have been admitted for entry into one of the three graduate schools.
To learn more, refer to Keio CEMS Brochure and each Graduate school's website.

Second Step:

Follow the application procedures described in the Application Guidelines below.
Application Guideline 2025/2026_1st.
The application materials are available from here.

1st Application Period for CEMS MIM Year 2025/2026

(as of July 19, 2024)
The Graduate School of Economics The Graduate School of Business and Commerce The Graduate School of Media Design
Web Registration on cems.org Until the last day of the application period Until the last day of the application period Until the last day of the application period
Application period

Mid September -

Fri. September 20, 2024

Mon,October 7 -

Fri, October 11, 2024

Mon, October 21 -
Tue, November 5, 2024
Interview at the Graduate School October 2024

Mon, October 14
Fri, October 25, 2024

Tue, November 12, 2024

Selection Results from the Graduate School Around Fri. November 29, 2024
CEMS Final Interview * Friday, December 20, 2024 AM
CEMS Final Interview Result Monday, December 23, 2024
Allocation of Study-abroad destinations and terms December 2024~May 2025
*Only Applicants who have successfully passed the internal screening in each graduate school can proceed to the CEMS Final Interview. The final decision on entry into the CEMS programme is made by the CEMS Steering Committee.
The CEMS Steering Committee determines selectees' study-abroad locations and terms.

Contact Information and Office Hours

General inquiries about the CEMS MIM Programme at Keio and CEMS application procedures

Keio CEMS Office
Office of Student Services (International Exchange Services Group)
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345
TEL: 03‐5427‐1617
E-mail: cems-coordinators@adst.keio.ac.jp

General inquiries about the Master's program at the Graduate School of Economics

Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs Group)
The Graduate School of Economics Division
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345
TEL: 03-5427-1556E-mail: mita-kei@adst.keio.ac.jp

General inquiries about the Master's program at the Graduate School of Business and Commerce

Office of Student Services (Academic Affairs Group)
The Graduate School of Business and Commerce Division
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345
TEL: 03-5427-1558E-mail: mita-gakuji-sho@adst.keio.ac.jp

General inquiries about the Master's program and CEMS application procedures at the Graduate School of Media Design

KMD Office (Office of Student Services, Hiyoshi Campus)
4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 223-8526
TEL: 045‐564‐2517E-mail: kmd-office@adst.keio.ac.jp

Office Hours

Office hours for the Graduate School of Economics, the Graduate School of Media Design, the Graduate School of Business and Commerce, and Keio CEMS Office are as follows:
During Semester: Monday - Friday 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
During Vacation: Monday - Friday 8:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. 

Pre-departure Information

Pre-departure orientation meeting

Successful applicants are required to participate in orientations hosted by the Keio CEMS office and other partner universities from pre-departure to returning home.

Accommodation/Visa/Airline Ticket/Health Insurance

Successful applicants must arrange the following under your own responsibility: accommodation, visa, airline tickets and insurance. There are instances where, depending on the university of your study-abroad destination, you may be required to register for a student insurance plan, or a medical insurance plan similar to the Japanese National Health Insurance. It may be possible to apply for an exemption by presenting a certificate of enrollment to a Japanese insurance plan, so it is recommended that you confirm whether an exemption is available or not. If the exemption is not permitted, please join both of the insurance plans.