Conversions and leads metrics in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 4 months ago

You can view metrics on conversion and Lead Gen Form performance by selecting Conversions and Leads as a column view from the reporting dashboard or when exporting a report.

Here's a tip

Conversion metrics are only available when you have added conversions to your campaign. Lead metrics are only available for lead generation campaigns.

Conversions and leads metrics

Conversions and leads metrics for a campaign include:

Metric Definition
Conversions The total number of times people took a desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions can’t be attributed to individual members, group-level attribution or estimation may be used. 
Click Conversions Clicks on your ads that led to a conversion.
View Conversions  Impressions on your ads that led to a conversion. 
Conversion Rate  Percentage of conversions relative to clicks (total conversions divided by clicks).
Cost Per Conversion  Average amount spent on each conversion (total spent divided by conversions). 
Total Conversion Value  Total value generated by your conversions (value per conversion times conversions). Value can be defined when creating conversions, which is how much you consider each conversion is worth to you.
Return on Ad Spend  Revenue generated for ad spend (total conversion value divided by amount spent).
Leads The number of leads collected through this campaign. 
Lead Form Opens  Number of times a member opened a lead form. 
Lead Form Completion Rate  Percentage of opened forms that were submitted (form submissions divided by form opens). 
Cost Per Lead  Amount spent per lead collected. 
Leads (Work email) 

Number of leads collected that don’t use an established free or personal use email domain.

Available only when using the work email predefined field. 

Lead Form Completion Rate (Work Email) 

Percentage of opened forms that were submitted that don’t use an established free or personal use email domain.  

Available only when using the work email predefined field. 

Cost Per Lead (Work Email) 

Amount spent per lead collected that doesn't use an established free or personal use email domain.  

Available only when using the work email predefined field. 

Event Registrations  Total number of people who successfully registered for your LinkedIn Event after clicking on or seeing your ad. 
Click Event Registrations  Clicks on your ad that led to an event registration. 
View Event Registrations  Impressions on your ad that led to an event registration. 

Viral conversion and lead metrics

Viral metrics are available if you export a Campaign performance or Ad performance report. Viral metrics result from members sharing a Sponsored Content ad to their own network of connections.

Conversion and lead viral metrics include:
Metric Definition
Viral Impressions 

Impressions resulting from users sharing a Sponsored Content ad to their own network of connections.

Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. 

Viral Clicks Number of clicks on viral impressions. 
Viral Post Click Conversions   Number of viral clicks that led to a conversion. 
Viral Post View Conversions   Number of event registrations that resulted from viral impressions or clicks. 
Viral Event Registrations   Number of viral impressions that led to a conversion. 
Viral Click Event Registrations  Number of viral clicks that led to an event registration. 
Viral View Event Registrations   Number of viral impressions that led to an event registration. 

Learn more about other metrics available for your ad campaign

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