Video metrics in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 3 weeks ago

Select Video as a column view from the reporting dashboard or when exporting a report to see metrics specific to your video ads’ performance.

Who can use this feature?

Video metrics are only available for video ads.

Video metrics

Important to know

We’re making improvements to our impression and click measurement methodology for in-feed video to provide metrics in alignment with industry standards. Changes are also being made to Sponsored Messaging metrics.

These changes will go into effect mid-July 2024 and for campaigns that serve on or the LinkedIn app, video impressions and clicks will be reported only if they were generated from video ads that began to play. As a result, video performance metrics shown in the Campaign Manager performance chart will be impacted. For more information, please contact our support team or your LinkedIn Marketing Solutions representative.

Video metrics for a campaign include:

Metric Definition
Plays The number of times a video starts to play through click or autoplay.
Clicks Total chargeable clicks based on your campaign's objective.
Views Two or more continuous seconds of playback while the video is at least 50% on screen.
View Rate Number of views/impressions, multiplied by 100.
CPV Cost Per View, defined as cost divided by views. Though some video views might be free as a result of organic reach from members sharing your ad, only paid views are included in CPV. 
Views at 25% Number of times your video was played through at least 25% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Views at 50% Number of times your video was played through at least 50% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Views at 75% Number of times your video was played through at least 75% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Completions Number of times your video was watched at 97-100% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.
Completion Rate Completions divided by plays as a percentage.
Full Screen Plays Total number of clicks to view video in full screen mode.

Important to know

In October 2022, the calculation for video completion rate changed from completions divided by views as a percentage to completions divided by plays as a percentage. This calculation change was made to align with the industry standard. Video completion rate data in Campaign Manager from 2019 onward have the current definition applied (completions divided by plays as a percentage).

Video ad metrics and the LinkedIn Audience Network

When you enable the LinkedIn Audience Network for your video ad campaign, you can select Placements as a breakdown view to see metrics for video ads shown: 

  • On LinkedIn - Ads shown on the LinkedIn Feed. 
  • On the Audience Network - Native, Banner, Interstitial - Known as outstream video ads, these appear as standalone ads within the content of our Audience Network publisher’s webpage. 
  • On the Audience Network - In-stream - In-stream video ads play within a long-form video on an Audience Network publisher’s webpage. 

Important to know for in-stream video metrics:

LinkedIn calculates Views in alignment with industry standards set by the Media Ratings Council (MRC). Per the MRC, a View is defined as two or more continuous seconds of playback while the video is at least 50% on screen. For in-stream video, Views require JavaScript for reporting, and some websites are not able to run JavaScript successfully to provide us with full measurement. 

As a result, you might see the Completions metric showing a higher value than Views for in-stream video ads. When this happens, it means that, for some impressions the video completed playing but might not have registered as a View. Completion rate is often higher for in-stream video ads than ads shown on LinkedIn or outstream video ads, because the member watching the in-stream video ad has chosen to watch the video and is more likely to finish watching the ad as part of the video. 

Viral video metrics

Viral metrics are also available if you export a Campaign performance or Ad performance report. Viral metrics result from users sharing a Sponsored Content ad to their own network of connections.
Metric Definition
Viral Video Plays Number of viral video ads that start to play.
Viral Video Views Number of viral video views with 2 or more continuous seconds of playback while the video is at least 50% on screen.
Viral Video Views @ 25% Number of viral video ads that played through 25% of the video, including watches that skipped to this point.
Viral Video Views @ 50% Number of viral video ads that played through 50% of the video, including watches that skipped to this point.
Viral Video Views @ 75% Number of viral video ads that played through 75% of the video, including watches that skipped to this point.
Viral Video Completions Number of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video, including watches that skipped to this point.
Viral Video Completion Rate Viral video completions divided by viral video views as a percentage.
Viral Full Screen Plays Number of clicks to view video in full screen mode on viral video ads.

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