Ten Tips for New Leaders
By April Wennerberg, PMP, MBA

Ten Tips for New Leaders

Stepping into a new leadership role is a challenge and a testament to your unique capabilities. It may seem daunting at first, with expectations coming from all directions, but it's crucial to remember that you are in this position for a reason. In this article, I will share ten invaluable tips from my experiences and colleagues, each a key to your success in managing campaigns and teams. Those of my colleagues, each of whom is

  • 1 - Understand the difference between being a manager and a leader

Leadership is an act of inspiration, while management is an act of control. Your new role requires you to be responsible for projects, staff, departmental goals, budget, etc. Each of these is dependent and independent of the other, so finding the connections between them and working to maintain them becomes your primary responsibility.

Leading projects means always being in the front and investing everything you have into your tasks. Leading your team means taking an active interest in who they are as people, learning their needs, and giving them the tools to succeed. By leading, you will inspire a sense of trust and confidence in those reporting to you and, in the end, encourage them to follow.

  • 2- Assess the situation

You were entrusted with this role for a reason, often to address a problem. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the situation. Explore every angle and gather every information, even if it means digging deeper. Then, paint a clear picture of the problem. Conduct interviews with your team to ensure you capture all their insights and experiences. This demonstrates that you value their input and provides you with crucial information from those on the front lines. Can you compare this data with the reports you've received and incorporate it into your problem portrait? Above all, seeing things as they are helps you understand your starting point- the first step towards success.

  • 3- Review objectives

You should be able to define the problem with your stated objectives. These goals are given to you by upper management and information from other sources. My colleague said these steps are almost as crucial as situation assessment because the objectives represent the map of the steps, which is nearly as essential as situation assessment. After all, the objectives represent the map of the current situation. In addition, this step verifies that the stated goals are either sufficient or insufficient to solve the current problem. If it's the latter, you can exceed expectations and show those who appointed you that they made the right decision.

  • 4- Seek a mentor

Should this be higher on the list? Probably. But given your new situation, practical tips are essential. Find someone in a higher role who has more knowledge than you, has the experience to prove it, and is willing to impart both. Invest the time needed to build a relationship and bring this person questions you can't answer yourself. Above all, learn about this person's managerial past and the hard lessons they had to know. Be careful who you pick, and ensure they are well-liked in your organization; choosing the incorrect person could cause problems for your career.

  • 5- Mentor others

Act as a mentor for your direct reports and other professional community members. Record your successes and failures, using them as lessons to impart to others. This will get you into a service mindset while requiring you to keep track of what works and what doesn't. Invest time in others, and you will be helping them and benefiting yourself.

  • 6- Continually improve your time management skills

As a leader, your time management skills must be superb. Everything depends on your ability to balance your daily tasks with project management and other duties. Here's one piece of advice that has trickled down and been put to good use: "Feed the eagles, not the turkeys." It's easy to get bogged down in things that don't matter and forget to focus on those tasks that can make you and your team soar.

  • 7- continually improve your communication skills

Communication is one of the pillars of successful business and the cornerstone of successful leadership. Be clear about status updates and expectations for projects. Be intentional with your staff and take a genuine interest in what they have to say and their experience. Many managers I have worked with agree that conflict caused by poor communication is the most destructive element of any relationship.

  • 8- Understand it's not about you

True leaders understand that their success is dependent on those they serve. Your staff needs to invest the time to get to know them and, by doing so, learn what they need from you to succeed. For your projects, it's essential to invest the required time in each task, both with delegation and personal involvement, to make sure that the goals are achieved. With your customers, it's about exceeding their expectations by making what you do an act of service. It's not about your success -- It's about everyone and everything you serve.

  • 9- Do a team outing

Want to bond with your team? Hang out with them outside work. While the personal barriers in the modern workplace aren't what they used to be, there still exists a natural apprehension to being "who you are" while on the job. Outside work, people can be themselves. Be sure in these hangouts that you don't put yourself in any compromising situations. Remember, you are a leader 100% of the time, and the example you set, whether in the workplace or not, is continually monitored.

  • 10- Trust your team's abilities

Micromanagement is not management. It is an active compensation for a lack of genuine trust. Once you have assessed your staff and equipped them to succeed, take a step back and show them you trust them. Let them soar with their newfound confidence and give them the chance to shine. In doing this, you can better assess who works on your team and does not. Serving your team means being honest with them. Sometimes. When it's not a good fit, serving them means letting them go. Again, remember that it is not about you; it is about them. Trust them to accomplish their objectives.

Promoting Success

Congratulations on your new role, and good luck. This is your opportunity to take the next big step in your career. Be intentional and genuine in everything you do. By ensuring that those around you are successful, you will be successful.

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