unlocking the potential of ML ...
artwork by https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewgauer

unlocking the potential of ML ...

Not sure if we have hit the peak of ML hype yet, but I think the path to the commoditization of ML tech is well under way... Google, Amazon, Microsoft and others have released open source ML projects.   The same three offer cloud based ML services.  Free ML training is abundant.  These is are all great things that lower the barrier to using ML. Companies like Google, and my company Payoff, are encouraging their teams to learn and leverage ML. So now is a good time to get past the hype and understand what it really is.  Yes, its true that math and algorithms may not be glamorous to everyone, but maybe that's finally going to change...

Here is a string of blog entries that makes an interesting introduction to ML

(many thanks to Adam Geitgey for the articles https://medium.com/@ageitgey )

Joe Lindsay

SVP, CTO Open Data Platforms @ Experian | AI/ML Enablement


The title of this Microsoft Article really hits the spot: DEMOCRATIZING AI For every person and every organization As we think about the future of technology, it resides in the notion of intelligence. At Microsoft, we have an approach that’s both ambitious and broad, an approach that seeks to democratize Artificial Intelligence (AI), to take it from the ivory towers and make it accessible for all. Read more at http://news.microsoft.com/features/democratizing-ai/

Joe Lindsay

SVP, CTO Open Data Platforms @ Experian | AI/ML Enablement


Here is a great blog article, that shows firsthand the benefits of this technology becoming commoditized https://medium.com/learning-new-stuff/machine-learning-in-a-year-cdb0b0ebd29c#.yoc2swvhf

Joe Lindsay

SVP, CTO Open Data Platforms @ Experian | AI/ML Enablement


And again Facebook is releasing more to open source: http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/facebook-open-source-image-ai/


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