Your source for Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection

The introduction of Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) in 2021 sent email marketers into a tizzy without reliable insights into opens. Now, MPP is just a part of our reality. Here’s everything you need to know about how to navigate this new reality.

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Your 5 Step Response Guide

Get up to speed on what MPP means for your email program with this guide, including ways to re-evaluate your email performance.

The MPP Survival Guide for Marketers

Learn how to navigate—and succeed—in an email marketing world without opens.

Video guide
(Coming Soon)

Check back soon to get all the information on MPP explained simply and thoroughly in our video guide.

What does MPP mean for email marketers?

Litmus’ Email Client Market Share data reveals over 50% of email opens happen on a device with Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection activated. What does this mean for you? Inflated email opens, unknown open times, and geolocation becomes a mystery. This impacts everything from measuring email performance to engineering automated nurture flows, like re-engagement campaigns.

MPP Must-Knows

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Which audience does this affect?

Users have to opt-in to MPP, so it only impacts your audience who have elected to use MPP, which is available in the Apple Mail app on the following devices:

  • iOS 15 and newer (iPhone)
  • iPadOS 15 and newer (iPad)
  • macOS Monterey and newer (Mac)

Since MPP makes it impossible to know whether a subscriber is really opening the email (or not!) if they’re Apple Mail, measuring true engagement with content intended to capture “signs of life” from a subscriber has become more important than ever.

Encouraging subscribers to click is a great way to capture a “sign of life”. Live polls, sentiment trackers, and interest signals are just a few ways to gamify your emails to encourage engagement —and that all important click.

The open rate is not dead yet! Tracking and measuring open rate over time can be helpful to identify open rate trends. Those trends can help you identify major deliverability problems—specifically when you see a dramatic drop in open rates.

Using Litmus Email Analytics, you can get a breakdown of how much of your audience uses Apple Mail, the specific versions and devices of Apple’s OS they’re using, as well as Dark Mode usage. You’ll even get a breakdown of what we call reliable opens, so you can still get a view of overall email engagement.

Go-to videos

The Current State of Apple Mail Privacy Protection

Litmus Tip

See how MPP impacts your email

Just go to:

  • Analytics
  • Email Clients