Email Personalization Knowledge Center

Creating and sending highly personalized emails is the perfect way to forge connections with your customers and subscribers. On this page, you’ll find all the inspiration, tips, and tools you need to help you deliver truly personalized emails.

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The Email Personalization Handbook

Tips, tools, and examples to help you craft memorable brand experiences that resonate with subscribers.

How Litmus Uses Litmus Personalize

Discover how Litmus’ own email team personalizes email to boost engagement and performance.

Email Personalization Success Story

See how ByLaurenJean used interactive live polls in Litmus Personalize to increase click through rate by 53%.

Create Emails that Just Click

Give your email engagement—and conversions—a boost with content personalized the moment your emails are opened, with Litmus Personalize. That could be a countdown timer counting down to an event, an image personalized with the recipient’s name, or a product feed of your most popular products. On average, users have seen a 45% increase in conversion rate using tactics just like this.

Email Personalization FAQs

Here to personally answer your questions.

What is email personalization?

Email personalization is the process marketing and email teams take of customizing and tailoring emails to specific subscribers or groups of subscribers based on their interests, demographics, preferences, past purchases or behavior. Personalized email elements range from the more basic like subject lines and recipient names to more creative and dynamic elements like personalized images, product recommendations, live polls, and more.

Consumer behavior and expectations have evolved and gone are the days of email marketing being purely transactional or promotional. Email marketing is about developing and nurturing relationships with audiences and customers. In order to establish those strong connections, creating dynamic email content that encourages interaction and engagement and entices subscribers to participate are the hallmarks of a strong email game. By personalizing emails for your subscribers, you can forge true connections with those audiences and help drive them through an ongoing customer journey.

Personalized emails provide a more engaging, conversational experience that invite subscribers to interact. This type of content looks and feels like it was created just for them. We’ve seen many brands improve their email marketing success by implementing personalization. Litmus Personalize has been used to increase conversion rate by 45%, increase average order value by 49%, and increase revenue 96%. TM Lewin leveraged live polls in Litmus Personalize to increase email clicks by 116%. Read more Litmus customer success stories with email personalization here.

The first step to effective email personalization is understanding your audiences. Analyze the data to understand subscribers, then serve them opportunities to engage within your emails. One great way to do this is to implement interactive elements like live polls and dynamic content like personalized images and product recommendations that update based on the recipient’s preferences. You can learn more in our blog on how to implement email personalization at each stage of the customer journey.

Be sure to enlist the help of preference centers and collect zero-party data, which users have control to limit who uses their data. An effective preference center can be introduced at various stages of the customer journey, prompting subscribers to provide valuable data. This way, you’re getting data that is volunteered and you’re never compromising privacy in order to find subscriber insights.

Go-to videos


Create Emails That Just Click With Better Email Personalization


Email Personalization Deep Dive


Leveraging Dynamic Content

Litmus Tip

Create a live poll in just a few clicks

  • Inside the Litmus app, just go to: “Personalized Content”, select live polls, and start building!