I am trying to overwrite Bulma's $breakpoints variable by introducing another breakpoints. My issue is that I do not know how reference previous/default values defined by Bulma.

My current attempt is:

$qhd: 1920px;

@use "~bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables" as iv;

@use "~bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables" with (
    $breakpoints: (
        // here I would like to include previous values
        "qhd": (
        "from": iv.$desktop, // here I want to use another value defined in the module that is to be configured
        "until": $qhd
        "uhd": (
        "from": $qhd

I also tried @importing the initial-variables module but there is another error then, complaining that @uses have to be at the top of the scope/file.

The problem is that when I @use initial-variables for the second time, an error is raised that I cannot configure an already configured module, which I understand it does not make sense. But how could I import "original" values for reference in defining new variables?