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Questions tagged [sass-modules]

This tag covers @use and Sass: Built-in Modules such as sass:color, sass:list, sass:map, sass:math, sass:meta, sass:selector, sass:string,

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How to overwrite SCSS module's variable with new value using previous/default value

I am trying to overwrite Bulma's $breakpoints variable by introducing another breakpoints. My issue is that I do not know how reference previous/default values defined by Bulma. My current attempt is: ...
Filip Jakab's user avatar
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Why is css/ sass modules not working with third party library?

I wonder why my sass modules is not affected when I use third party component. In particular, I use react-horizontal-scrolling-menu <ScrollMenu selected={selected} scrollToSelected={true} ...
Quang Khải Đàm's user avatar
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How can you use Sass Modules with Shopify Hydrogen V2?

I'm exploring using Hydrogen instead of Next.js Commerce for building out an ecommerce platform that I'm working on, but the only styling option for Hydrogen V2 seems to be tailwind or vanilla CSS. I ...
Joshua Tuscan's user avatar
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I am importing a variable file in every sass module would it affect my css bundle size?

I am using sass mixed with sass modules to scope styles for each component I found myself importing the variables file at every sass module I import by the new "@use" would that make my ...
1Mouse's user avatar
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Multiple "themes" with SASS Modules

Project description So I have a project that has two distinct brands within a single application. I have a base set of Styles for the components, and then I have two different entry point Scss files ...
iain's user avatar
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How can I import SCSS modules in React-Typescript?

I am trying to import styles from Navbar.module.scss file in my Navbar.tsx component. But it says I have already installed node-sass and @types/node-sass packages. Here's my package.json :
Abhishek Ram's user avatar
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Forwarding a SASS Map of variables

I'll start of by saying I'm not sure if this is possible or not. I'm still learning more about the depths that SASS goes. Essentially, what I'm trying to do is forward just parts of a sass module. I ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to use scss modules in Next.js server components

I am trying to implement server components in my Next.js app. I'm using scss modules for styling. A typical component in my project looks like this: //MyComponent.client.jsx import s from './...
Joseph Ghaida's user avatar
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Sass modules multiple classes styles changes not being reflected

I thought I understood how modules worked but apparently not I have nested scss/sass styles that I'm trying to apply on an element but when I add those multiple styles to my element it doesn't take ...
Hana Likes Coding's user avatar