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Questions tagged [python-reflex]

The tag has no usage guidance.

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python reflex input problema

I just discovered the Python reflex module, I looked at the examples on the site and the videos on youtubed, but I could not make a counter that increases by the amount of a value we receive from the ...
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How to install python reflex on a Droplet Ubuntu

Te complete prosses to install reflex all throw set up the sites-available.conf for the proxy so I can use 3000 and 8000. I try to run and is to slow and ending with error -39 Please if anyone is able ...
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0 answers

Dockerfile failing for Reflex app when exporting for Python Reflex app

I am trying to containerize my Reflex app (python) using Docker Requirements.txt reflex==0.4.9 <INTERNAL_PACKAGE_NAME> @ git+https://<GITHUB_TOKEN>:[email protected]/<...
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0 answers

Python Reflex (Pynecone) - data_table with checkbox in one column

I am trying to build a data table that includes a checkbox in the first column using python reflex to build web app front end interface. This is an example table obtained with: import reflex as rx ...
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0 answers

Radio button to control display to the right in Reflex - display not updating

Recently, I am looking into Python framework call Reflex for building web apps. What I want to achieve: When I select different code names in radio box, the code block to the right display ...
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0 answers

Add a dropdown menu in a table with Reflex Python

I'm trying to add a dropdown menu to each row in a table with the use of reflex The table is build in a state and buttons generally in definitions. This is an example that can be ...
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0 answers

How to use mediaquery or responsiveness in python reflex?

The official documentation isn’t talking anything at all about CSS mediaquery. particularly when I would like to place 2 divs and 1 image in single row (rx.hstack) in larger screen and want to place ...
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2 answers

How to import a class in pynecone?

I'm trying to import a class in another python class in my pynecone project. It's giving me error. import Constants ---> Giving error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Constants' Edit: ...
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2 answers

How to use on_key_down event in reflex Library to Execute Function on Enter Key Press

I'm working on a web application using the reflex library, and I'm trying to implement a feature where a function is executed when the user presses the Enter key in an input field. Specifically, I ...
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0 answers

How to remove a component using Pynecone

I am trying to remove a parent hstack when a button is pressed. Looked in the Docs and everywhere but couldn't find anything useful. From the picture above, when the 'x' button is pressed it should ...
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2 answers

File Upload Handling with Pynecone

I want to create a file sharing website in with pynecone. Is there a go-to way to upload files and save them on the server? The documentation says to use React components if there aren't any Pynecone ...
3 votes
1 answer

Pynecone - programmatically filling a textarea without breaking user input

My first steps with pynecone: I'm trying to pre-fill a textarea based on checkboxes and dropdowns, and then enable the user to edit the generated text. However, when I hook up the events such that I ...
2 votes
3 answers

The command pc not found after installing pynecone environment on my Mac computer

I read it Installing $ pip install pynecone $ mkdir my_app_name $ cd my_app_name $ pc init zsh: command not found: PC Why the command pc not ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does pynecone have some function like JavaScript's setInterval()?

I need a function like javascript's setInterval()? Do you know where it is? I read the pynecone's official document. I still cannot find any ...
2 votes
1 answer

pynecone self-hosting get websocket error

This is the document for self-hosting In fact, from the document, I don't quite understand the meaning of each field in Is there any demonstration of self-hosting? Or is there a more ...

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