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Questions tagged [python-reflex]

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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to remove a component using Pynecone

I am trying to remove a parent hstack when a button is pressed. Looked in the Docs and everywhere but couldn't find anything useful. From the picture above, when the 'x' button is pressed it should ...
Kamil Abdurahim's user avatar
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How to use mediaquery or responsiveness in python reflex?

The official documentation isn’t talking anything at all about CSS mediaquery. particularly when I would like to place 2 divs and 1 image in single row (rx.hstack) in larger screen and want to place ...
Mahmudur Rahman Shovon's user avatar
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Add a dropdown menu in a table with Reflex Python

I'm trying to add a dropdown menu to each row in a table with the use of reflex The table is build in a state and buttons generally in definitions. This is an example that can be ...
manoukeizer's user avatar
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Python Reflex (Pynecone) - data_table with checkbox in one column

I am trying to build a data table that includes a checkbox in the first column using python reflex to build web app front end interface. This is an example table obtained with: import reflex as rx ...
Andrea T's user avatar
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python reflex input problema

I just discovered the Python reflex module, I looked at the examples on the site and the videos on youtubed, but I could not make a counter that increases by the amount of a value we receive from the ...
Yavrumus's user avatar
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How to install python reflex on a Droplet Ubuntu

Te complete prosses to install reflex all throw set up the sites-available.conf for the proxy so I can use 3000 and 8000. I try to run and is to slow and ending with error -39 Please if anyone is able ...
moshe's user avatar
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Dockerfile failing for Reflex app when exporting for Python Reflex app

I am trying to containerize my Reflex app (python) using Docker Requirements.txt reflex==0.4.9 <INTERNAL_PACKAGE_NAME> @ git+https://<GITHUB_TOKEN>:[email protected]/<...
Jason Susanto's user avatar
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Radio button to control display to the right in Reflex - display not updating

Recently, I am looking into Python framework call Reflex for building web apps. What I want to achieve: When I select different code names in radio box, the code block to the right display ...
Argos's user avatar
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How to use on_key_down event in reflex Library to Execute Function on Enter Key Press

I'm working on a web application using the reflex library, and I'm trying to implement a feature where a function is executed when the user presses the Enter key in an input field. Specifically, I ...
plurplemonster's user avatar