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Questions tagged [razor]

Razor is a template language used by ASP.NET Web Pages, ASP.NET MVC (since version 3), and ASP.NET Core. It adds a layer of abstraction above HTML generation. It supports seamless transitions between HTML markup and C# or VB code. Transitions between markup and code are indicated by the "@" sign.

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ASP.NET Core Razor page async OnGet handler causing intermittent errors if not set to return a Task

In my async OnGet Razor page handler I'm calling async methods (all awaited) that populate the Razor page model used in the Razor view for rendering content. What I noticed is that until I turned the ...
whatever's user avatar
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MudBlazor - Page layouting

I am currently trying to create a MudBlazor WebApp. As I am quite new to MudBlazor I try to figure out how the spacing and page layouting works. So i took a very basic layout from the MudBlazor ...
CrazyEight's user avatar
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How to disable decimals in Kendo NumericTextBox

<kendo-numerictextbox id="example1" name="example1" value="@Model.Example1" min="0" format="n0" decimals="0" data-bind="value: ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Form in foreach in Razor view: Validation is shown to all the elements

Consider the following Razor code foreach(Person p in Model.Persons){ <form> @Html.TextBoxFor(m => p.Name) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => p.Name) @Html....
Alessandro's user avatar
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Blazor (WA .NET6)- TS1109 Error, how to fix it?

I've been working on a Blazor WebAssembly .NET6 project for a couple of years. I updated VS2022 recently to the latest 17.10.0(I was in the previous 16.9 before), and after that I'm having TS1109 all ...
luhia91's user avatar
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ArgumentException on async get method in repository. ASP.NET Core - Razor Pages

I'm asking this question because I haven't found any solution. I rewrote my code multiple times by tutorials but nothing changed. Broken query method in ReadRepository.cs: public async Task<T> ...
dorvazgon's user avatar
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Using SignalR in a RAZOR OnPost method to update the client page with status

In my RAZOR web app I want to update the client page with the progress as an OnPost method executes in the server. I have seen the example using SignalR to blast a message to all the clients and have ...
CsharpSqlGuy's user avatar
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Dynamically pass ID of a control to a C# function on onchange event

I am converting an existing ASP.NET application into Blazor app. I have this form <table width='400px' style="border-width:2" ><!-- Start Hub table <tr> ...
Ali's user avatar
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Can I differentiate between ErrorMessage and diplayed error text in Razor pages

I'm coming from a Web Forms background and attempting to learn Razor pages. In Web Forms, I use the asp:Validation controls pretty extensively. These validation controls give me the option to specify ...
yougotiger's user avatar
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How to pass value from controller to view and display it in a text field or label

I am a bit stuck trying to figure out on how to show the value of a field model.SumValue which I am calculating in the controller class in a input field or a label. Controller class - public ...
Dazzler's user avatar
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Navigation to file on parameter with Custom Helpers for cshtml

I have a custom helper @Url.Content("./customfolder/typescript.ts", ContentExtension.ToJs) that alters the file and directory. But I lose the functionality to navigate to the original file. ...
Bas's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert a List of type IFormFile to IFormFileCollection

In my code I have a OnPost() method that recieves an IFormCollection, through this I pass a few files through. One of these files I always want to always be the the index[0] of a List<byte[]>. ...
kado-kliewer23's user avatar
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Cannot see any changes i made in the cshtml file on browser

I'm a newbie in programming (17 y.o), and I am currently struggling with ASP.NET. When I create a .cshtml file and try to test it in the browser, I see the default interface that Microsoft provides. ...
Kanan Akhundov's user avatar
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HTML elements go black when loading

After going black they momentarily go back to normal. Loading.... Here is the code of the navbar. @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> &...
nokkoran's user avatar
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InvalidOperationException: The view 'AddValue' was not found. Partial View not found when submitting form data

I'm trying to insert data into two table from a single View Page. I've used two different view model to do that. So I have to make a partial view for inserting data in second table. Now full page is ...
Abdullah Al Mahmud Khan's user avatar

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