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Questions tagged [sass]

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions. This enables developers to write structured, manageable and reusable CSS. Sass is compiled into standard CSS. It is primarily a CSS pre-processor language that accepts both the CSS and its personalised syntax of writing visual design codes.

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Bootstrap error ??? $color: theme-color("primary") is not a color [duplicate]

ive been working on this project for a while now and everything has been working fine and then all the sudden i start getting this error. im not sure why its happening because i did not touch the ...
Vivian Nguyen's user avatar
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Error when upgrading the nebular version from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0

{ email: { service: NbDummyAuthStrategy, config: { delay: 3000, login: { rememberMe: true, }, }, }, } I have this settings in my nbDummyAuthProviders, but after upgrading I should change to but I am ...
Xxxxx's user avatar
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How can I use Next.js with Sass?

There are several related questions to mine, but none that have fixed my issue. Context I'm trying to use yarn create next-app (which I thought comes with Sass) to build a web app and then use yarn ...
Ganymede's user avatar
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When i try to compile code by running npm run dev i am receiving error 1 ERROR in child compilations

Receiving below error when trying to run "npm run dev" for compiling 1 WARNING in child compilations(Use 'stats.children: true' resp. '--stats-children' for more details) ERROR in ./scss/...
Sudhan's user avatar
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Angular Importing Sass File Does not Include its Styles

Running into a confusing issue. I have an angular component setup like this: @Component({ selector: '[my-tag]', // eslint-disable-line template: '<ng-content></ng-content>', ...
Tim's user avatar
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Is it possible to remove elements out of a div using order

Hi all, I'm trying to create this mockup using ReactJS and I can't seem to make my code work. Notice how the profile pic is beside the search bar on mobile but it's beside the button on tablet and ...
Laura Nguyen's user avatar
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Sass: Use / Import files into a subscope

I am creating a scss file and I would like to import a sass/css style into a subscope. Something like: @use './github-markdown-dark.css' as github-dark; @use './github-markdown-light.css' as github-...
Andre M's user avatar
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Misleading min-width and max-width of @media in scss

I am following this question to display 2 buttons horizontally and vertically based on Responsiveness of the Angular application. Previous Question .dialog-buttons-content { display: flex; justify-...
Ch.'s user avatar
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Overriding SCSS Stylesheet

I have a selector that was kept overriding by another stylesheet. Things I did and didn't work: Check if the selector was correctly nested Move my SCSS file to the end of app.scss to make it with ...
Sugarloading's user avatar
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how to use css variables to contain color-mix used with another variable

I have in css (generated by sass) variable called --secondary and it's value is red(#f00) I want to create more variables for opacity like --secondary-100, --secondary-90, ... I used color-mix in ...
Fire Gamer's user avatar
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File set up for bootstrap customization using sass

Hi I am trying to setup bootstrap for cuztomization using sass, I have created a html page and then when i am adding my own custom properties on the custom.scss file they dont seem to have any effect ...
F Adam's user avatar
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Cannot get Bulma color overrides to work after Bulma upgrade to 1.0.1

I have a create-react-app in which I am trying to upgrade bulma from version 0.9.4 to 1.0.1. So far, everything seems to have worked, with exception of the new dart method of overriding the colors. I ...
martijn's user avatar
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Undefined variable with @use Glenn Marks extension

Live Sass Compiler by Glenn Marks (not the old Ritwick Dey one) gives the following error substituting @import for @use: "Error: Undefined variable." I've placed my finished project onto ...
Chrumczyk's user avatar
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Add custom color to both light and dark mode in bulma

Bulma 1.0 added support for dark mode. I already figured out how to add a custom color to Bulma. Now, I want to know how I can get it to use a different color value in dark mode. $groovy: #4298B8; // ...
Leonard Brünings's user avatar
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Simple scss map generated by for loop

I want to have a map like this: $spacers: ( 0: 0, 1: 4px, 2: 8px, etc. ); This is my code: $spacer: 4px; $spacers: (); @function map-set($map, $key, $value) { $new: ($key: $value); @...
Magor Menessy's user avatar

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