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Questions tagged [sass]

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions. This enables developers to write structured, manageable and reusable CSS. Sass is compiled into standard CSS. It is primarily a CSS pre-processor language that accepts both the CSS and its personalised syntax of writing visual design codes.

20 votes
5 answers

Media Query scss breakpoints best practice

I have a bit of a brawl with my team leader about the usage of media queries. There are 2 methods (from what i can tell) about using media queries. Method 1: @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {...
3 votes
0 answers

Error when Compiling with Web Compiler 2022+: "The system cannot find the specified path"

I have been on this problem for quite some time. I am using Web Compiler 2022+ 1.14.11 And Visual Studio 17.8.5 For some reason suddenly the Web Compiler won't compile my scss file anymore. Im getting ...
1 vote
2 answers

CSS is not loading for Cypress component testing using angular

I am trying to do component testing using Cypress component test runner. The web components are built using stencil. We compile the stencil components and create respective "Angular component&...
0 votes
0 answers

My VScode does not watch when I use "-w" flag in my package.json

I'm working on a SASS and Bootstrap project in VScode and facing an issue where SASS doesn't watch or compile when I use the "-w" flag. It compiles without the "-w" flag but doesn'...
0 votes
0 answers

SASS throwing errors when using @use with mixins

I just started using SASS with Jekyll and I am encountering a strange issue when I started using @use. I have a mixin in another file, located in common/_theme-colors.scss: $logo-color-0: rgb(78, 184, ...
0 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to compile SASS to CSS without NodeJS? [closed]

NodeJS is being restricted to be installed and we received a web work with a SASS file that I would like to continue working in that way. So I was hoping there could be other way to compile into CSS ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to fix my SCSS so it's applying the text color?

might be best explain with an example this is the HTML snippet of my breadcrumb. This comes with its own breadcrumbs.scss. <div class="container"> <div class="cmp-container&...
3 votes
2 answers

how to use :has in sass

I need to add some styles if body has some element with .rtl class. How is possible to do it ? body:has(.app.rtl) { .blah { some: blah; } } This is something that I need
3 votes
2 answers

My RGB variables are not working on SCSS/SASS

When trying to apply the following to my SCSS: $main__blue: 130, 207, 236; :root { --main__blue: #{$main__blue}; } h1{ color: rgb(var(--main__blue)); } I get the following error from compiler:...
0 votes
0 answers

migrating node-sass to dart sass in react app and getting compilation error from react-dates package (da)

I am trying to migrate from node-sass to dart sass. I am also using react-dates package and including datePicker css file. color: darken(#cacccd,10%); function is being used in datePicker and I am ...
0 votes
0 answers

CSS animations just stopped working on React

My css animations just stopped working and i have no idea why, this is a react project i'm working on to learn more about the framework, if someone knows why this happens it would help a lot, thanks. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any way that I export my styles from a package I write to use in my other projects?

I have a package made up by ReactJs, rollup. I used TS in my structure and use .module.scss files to add styles to my components. but when I build the package in /dist directory, it doesn't have any ...
6 votes
3 answers

VueJS and SASS - Import and use SASS variables in script

I'm currently working on a VueJS project with a SASS integration, and I would like to get access to the SASS variables inside the script part of the component to make dynamic style calculations. I saw ...
3 votes
2 answers

Import scss variables into typescript in Vue

I'm trying to import SASS (scss) variables in to the javascript in typescript Vue 3 project: // @/assets/styles/colors.scss $white: #fff; // @/assets/styles/_exports.scss @import "./colors.scss&...
0 votes
0 answers

Media Queries Max-Width is not applied even though I am on mobile view (Browser)

I have a website in Astro and using SCSS. I have a weird bug with the media queries. I have this styling @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .p-content { &_inner { ...

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