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Questions tagged [spring-cloud-gateway]

Spring Cloud Gateway is an API Gateway library on top of the Spring reactive ecosystem. Use this tag when encountering issues with Spring Cloud Gateway components.

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Spring Cloud Gateway with Kubernetes discovery client for http and grpc requests

I'm trying to implement gateway service using Spring Cloud Gateway with k8s client dicovery that will redirect both http/1.1 and http/2(GRPC) requests I set the following configurations: server: ...
Lior Derei's user avatar
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Spring authorization server RP-initiated logout not working

I have a project with spring gateway as oauth client for spring authorization server. Everything is working fine in terms of oidc authentication besides the logout. Logout does not work due to CORS, ...
IonutB's user avatar
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trying to load each elements of list from separate yaml files into parent yaml

In Spring Cloud Gateway, we have too many routes in one application yaml. I am trying to break them into individual routes and import them into main/parent yaml. Tried below approach of spring.profile....
Arpit S's user avatar
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Connection refused to keycloak's configuration uri from my gateway spring boot service (both running on docker)

It seems my gateway service is failing to resolve the host of my keycloak realm configuration uri (both are running locally on docker) I am able to see the page via browser on "http://localhost:...
markoss's user avatar
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How to call REST API using Spring Webclient in global post filter

Spring Cloud Gateway with WebFlux: 4.1.0 We have implemented couple of custom Global pre and post filters in our Spring Cloud Gateway application. We are using Spring WebClient utility to make call to ...
Deepak Chhetri's user avatar
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Spring security logout not working when exceptionHandling.authenticationEntryPoint configured

I have configured a Spring Gateway service with Spring security enabled and oauth2 configured. I can perform the login and logout without any issue, even a custom LogoutSuccessHandler, until I ...
jorge-plaza's user avatar
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Handling ReadTimeOut Exception with Spring Cloud Gateway/Netty Client

We are using Spring Cloud Gateway to route messages to different endpoints. In some cases seeing read timeout happening and in hence is no "response" received resulting in wrapped '...
Arpit S's user avatar
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separate individual routes in spring cloud gateway

I am using Spring Cloud Gateway(Spring Boot 2.7.X) to route/POST request to different external endpoints for configured customers. The routes are configured in application yml. With more and more ...
Arpit S's user avatar
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Custom Gateway filter order in Spring Cloud Gateway

I am exploring Spring Cloud Gateway. I want to introduce a custom HTTPHeadersFilter for all the routes. Also i want to protect the gateway with authentication .Hence am using Spring Security. I have ...
saurav's user avatar
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Session management in a spring-oauth2-client that works as a gateway

I am implementing a microservices application and for the authentication issue I have used something similar to what @ch4mp proposed in his ...
Andre Gallegos's user avatar
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Issues with Establishing WebSocket Connection via JHipster, Spring Cloud Gateway, and Traefik

I'm experiencing difficulties in establishing a WebSocket connection through Spring Cloud Gateway and Traefik in my JHipster project. When I attempt to create a WebSocket connection, I encounter the ...
Jennifer Schuhmacher's user avatar
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CORS with spring cloud gateway MVC is not working

I have a simple spring-cloud-gateway-mvc gateway where I have configured the cors through configuration which does not work. spring: cloud: gateway: mvc: routes: - id: ...
pmverma's user avatar
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Render same app in 4 different iframes of browser window each with unique JSESSIONID

A front end react app interacts with a legacy backend via an API gateway between them. It fires two requests - /api/login - where it passes LDAP credentials via API gateway to legacy backend and gets ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Issue in Spring Authorization Server and Spring Cloud Gateway refresh_token flow

I have created Spring Authorization Server and Spring Cloud Gateway and everything looks perfect, but I found a problem in the gateway and specifically in the flow based on the refresh token. When ...
HDonev's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway Can't Forward to React Vite Dev Server, Works After Nginx Build

I'm having trouble getting Spring Cloud Gateway to forward requests to my React application when it's running in development mode with Vite. Here's the breakdown: Development: When I run npm run dev ...
Nguyen Nguyen's user avatar
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3 answers

How to secure microservice websocket endpoint with Spring Cloud Gateway?

I have a microservice architecture based project, for which I have added Spring Cloud Gateway in front. My plan is to centralize security in the gateway. I have added OIDC and OAuth 2 for ...
IonutB's user avatar
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How to use Spring Cloud API Gateway (MVC) to create filter that dynamically obtains a value with addRequestParameter?

In Spring Cloud API Gateway (MVC), I am trying to filer a GET request that dynamically creates a request param (query string)? Original request path to API Gateway with path param: v1/sample-resource/...
user23524156's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway + Spring Security + Spring Boot 3

We're migrating all our microservices to Spring Boot 3. Zuul to be migrated to Spring Boot3. Hence Spring-cloud will be the new API Gateway. Zuul was acting like a resource server(used JWTs + OAuth2) ...
Padmaja's user avatar
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Spring cloud gateway : Returns 200 to an api call but no response in body

When I hit URL through postman, [localhost:8090/api/v1] I get 200 but no response in body and when I check the logs of the service which was hit through gateway it shows nothing, which means it didn't ...
Aditya Priyam iGTB's user avatar
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Spring Gateway routes not applied to multiple SecurityWebFilterChains

---> .csrf((c) -> {c.disable();}) for the /api/** security filter chain caused the following to happen for an unknown reason: The issue is not having the gateway route filters and resources ...
MrSnafu's user avatar
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How to access same request in prefilter and postfilter in Spring Cloud Gateway?

We're moving from zuul to Spring Cloud Gateway. Storing all the request and response details in a table using pre-filter and post-filter implementation. Following is the implementation in zuul ...
Padmaja's user avatar
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spring cloud webflux with http2

I have a spring cloud webflux application, I want my application to work on the http2 protocol. I create a certificate and keys through Keystore explorer, add them to the configuration of my gateway ...
Арчи's user avatar
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Problems with the authentication route using spring cloud gateway with oauth

I'm having problems with the authentication route using spring cloud gateway with oauth.I have 3 simple authentication services, which have a gateway, an oauth configuration service and the user. When ...
Jean Fernandine's user avatar
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Http Connection Management In Spring Cloud Gateway / Reactor Netty

We use Spring Cloud Gateway (Spring Boot 2.0) to route(POST) request to different external customer REST endpoint (along with filters). Most of the time routing is ok in production, only certain times ...
Arpit S's user avatar
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Getting IllegalStateException and ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.servlet.Filter While Using Keycloak Service with Spring Cloud Gateway

I am currently working on routing api which uses Spring Cloud Gateway library. I also want to use Keycloak for authentication purposes, but I failed to implement a proper Keycloak configuration for my ...
KaraKaplan's user avatar
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What is the difference between K8 resources springCloudGateway and gateway api?

VMware provided springCloudGateway kind resources to kubernates. Which can be defined as kind in yml config file for dynamic routing with many features. Kubernates introduce gateway api as rules, ...
atiqkhaled's user avatar
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PrematureCloseException in netty http client

We are using Spring Cloud Gateway (spring boot 2.7.X, JDK 11) to route request. To fetch/pass OAuth2.0 token before routing, filter is added to fetch it from OAuth2.0 provider, to make secure call to ...
Arpit S's user avatar
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Spring gateway dependency causing clientRegistrationRepository cannot be null

The issue is coming because of spring gateway starter mvc, i am using webflux because gateway needs webflux and i am using okta for oauth2.0 implementation. I created the same project demo with same ...
Rani's user avatar
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Is there a method in Spring Boot to access the data of a received OAuth2-token?

Currently I am building a Spring Cloud Gateway-application, which should act as an API-gateway between an Angular Frontend and some downstream-services. So far, the frontend logs into the gateway, ...
h.martinez's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway on AWS

Somehow, I'm having trouble getting Spring Cloud Gateway to work on AWS. It works fine locally, but after deployment to AWS, it doesn't. I think I need another pair of eyes on this. I have a simple ...
Dzmitry's user avatar
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