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Questions tagged [spring-websocket]

A Spring Framework module that support WebSocket-style messaging in web applications (native websocket and with SockJS support), including use of STOMP as an application level WebSocket sub-protocol.

-1 votes
1 answer

Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring6 / Spring Boot 3 Web Sockets

In older versions of Spring, a custom policy could be applied by doing the following: @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig extends ...
0 votes
1 answer

Spring 5 Websocket endpoint not reachable

I implemented a simple websocket endpoint in my Spring app (which is deployed in Tomcat) and I cannot reach it. Configuration in my application context XML <bean id="myWebSocketHandler" ...
1 vote
1 answer

Kurento - Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://<ipaddress>:8433/kurento.

I am facing issue while running sample kurento turorial for javascript. Below is the exception in the browser console Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://:8433/kurento. ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to scale solve WebSocket connection when server goes down

Is it possible to store the web socket connection and use that for distributed the load. For Example - Similar to what we have in AWS ALB to distribute the traffic.
1 vote
2 answers

Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring Web Sockets and STOMP

I would like to customize the Jetty WebSocketPolicy when using Spring Web Sockets with STOMP. Here is my config class: @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig ...
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0 answers

SpringBoot - Websockets STOMP 1.2 - How to detect and log heart-beat from client and from server

How do I capture and log STOMP heart-beats sent by the clients and by the server? I have SpringBoot configuration below for websockets using STOMP @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public ...
0 votes
3 answers

How to secure microservice websocket endpoint with Spring Cloud Gateway?

I have a microservice architecture based project, for which I have added Spring Cloud Gateway in front. My plan is to centralize security in the gateway. I have added OIDC and OAuth 2 for ...
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0 answers

Spring 4.2.9 WebSocket server on WebLogic -> 401 Unauthorized

I am trying to add a websocket endpoint to a Struts 2 + Spring Framework 4.29 web application deployed on a WebLogic 12.2 server that has to listen for text and binary data from a network scanner. But ...
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0 answers

Does Simple Broker auto deletes the message queue in Stomp Websocket?

I am new to learning Websockets and how they work. In my implementation of Websocket using Springboot (React Client), I am using one connection [ ws://localhost:8080/intl-moa/ws-endpoint (for eg)] I ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I broadcast a STOMP messages to all RabbitMQ servers?

I'm working in a multiserver environment. It uses Spring WebSocket and RabbitMQ as an external broker for STOMP. My JavaScript clients send messages to one single backend server through a balancer. It ...
1 vote
0 answers

Failed to instantiate [org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping]:Factory method 'stompWebSocketHandlerMapping' threw exce with message: null

I am recently upgrading the Java 11 to Java 21 and Spring Boot 2.x to Spring boot 3.2.5. Post migration I am end up with a Run-time Exception which I do not have any clue at all. I am using ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why is CSRF protection needed for connecting to websockets if Spring Security implements Same Origin Policy at server level?

As per Spring Security documentation, for websockets there is SOP implemented at the server level, as opposite to regular http where the browser implements SOP. However, Spring Security also requires ...
5 votes
2 answers

spring-websockets how to send a parameter on open connection

I was building a spring boot application for web socket connection using TextWebSocketHandler and overriding handleTextMessage. But I have a requirement that when the user tries to connect to this ...
0 votes
0 answers

@SendToUser does not work, but convertAndSendToUser works

@SendToUser doesn't send messages to given path, but convertAndSendToUser() do. I checked the client side and it subscribes correctly. I expect @SendToUser in RoomExceptionHandler to send errors when ...
0 votes
0 answers

Issue Receiving WebSocket Notifications in a Spring Boot Application

I am working on a Spring Boot application using WebSocket for real-time user-specific notifications. Although the WebSocket connection is established and notifications are correctly sent from the ...

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