What We're Working On

Welcome to the Urban Agriculture Program Work Team website! This page highlights a few of the many projects we are working on. Check out our other pages for more, including the "Our Work" or "Resources" pages. Continue to explore the site for more information.

New York City skyline view from urban garden

An overview of the unique agriculture opportunities supported by Urban Agriculture PWT members Yolanda Gonzalez and Sam Anderson.

sunflower with skyline backgroundf

A national study on commercial farming in urban areas conducted by Urban Agriculture PWT members Dr. Anu Rangarajan and Molly Riordan in collaboration with the USDA.

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Urban farmer Alison Dehoney describes her approach to urban pest management.

Urban Agriculture Across New York City

Mapping Agricultural Production in New York City (M.A.P. NYC) is an interactive map showcasing food production in the city. The map not only points out farm and garden locations, but also provides information on food production and distribution, technologies, labor, services to the community, and other information. M.A.P. NYC is crowdsourced, meaning that each entry is editable by growers themselves. To learn more, visit M.A.P. NYC.

Check out the project's "About" page, here: https://mapnyc.herokuapp.com/about

Access the map here.

Mapping Agricultural Production in New York City (M.A.P. NYC) is maintained by professors and students at New York University (NYU). The map, which compiles and visualizes crowdsourced data, is intended to facilitate a greater understanding of NYC's local food systems at large.