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By default electron js has to show me the top menu when I touch the alt key

by default electron js has to show me the top menu when I touch the alt key, but I want to disable it but nothing works for me, I don't understand what to do Here is my code: app.whenReady().then(() =&...
Frederic Jasmin's user avatar
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2 answers

Data sent from Electron's main to render is an empty object

So, I'm trying to send data from my main.js, to be used in the renderer to draw divs to my html, after not being able to use the content from my JSON I decided to try and send a simple string, and the ...
kouketsu's user avatar
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Electron IPC Main webContents not sending data to Renderer

Using the docs from Electron's website, I cannot send simple data using mainWindow.webContents.send('send-data-channel', data). I'm attempting to send a JSON file to the renderer using Node's fs ...
liminalFrog's user avatar
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How to make user data persistent in local storage in electron-app?

I'm building a tasks-to-do application using electron. As I'm new using it, I have found a lot of problems to make the tasks already uploaded persistent in the application. I'm creating the tasks ...
MavapeGZ's user avatar
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Manipulate page with electron

Thank you in advance for your help. I want to create a script for web scraping using different technologies. This is my main script, and the goal is to ensure that it cannot be changed. //main// ...
Yahnis allegret's user avatar
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Amazon SP API Invalid 'marketplaceIds' provided

I'm using Electron and try to use the Amazon SP SPI. Somehow I always get the following error despite that my marketplaceIds are correct. // apiCall.js const SellingPartner = require("amazon-sp-...
bn 41's user avatar
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How to use python in electron js package

My friend and I are buildinf a desktop app using electron js, in there we have a snippet of code that runs in a js file that goes like this: const scriptPath = await window.spawnAPI.pathJoin('..', '..'...
random's user avatar
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Fullscreen keybinds inside an electron app not working

In an ordinary electron app, regular application etiquette of the OS the user is using is applied. However, for me (Using Windows OS), the F11 keybind (typically used to put apps into fullscreen and ...
Marco Gomez's user avatar
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How do I fix puppeteer sending message duplicated?

So, I made a whatsapp message sender in nodejs using puppeteer to connect to wpp and electron to get the message and number inputs, but I have three main problems: It doesnt send the message after ...
João's user avatar
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431 views] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye

Trying to setup Electron on my computer, to setup .exe files for my HTML/CSS/JS projects I'm currently developing on Windows and got this: [3088:0525/] GPU ...
easr97's user avatar
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Check if any system app is running in fullscreen nodeJS

I'm making this widget in electron that shows up on the screen when you press ctrl+space. I only want the widget be able to show up when there's no app running in fullscreen mode. I've tried using ...
ivox's user avatar
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winctl.node was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 93. This version of Node.js requires NODE_MODULE_VERSION 89

Node.js Version: 16.18.1 (ABI => 93) Electron.js Version: 14.0.1(ABI => 89) I have an electron.js project, I want to implement functionality to track active window whenver it changes. for this ...
Harikrushn kanani's user avatar
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Connect to a USB device using electron

I am using navigator.usb.requestDevice to get a USB device. I am able to get the device I wanted i.e. Thermal printer. But when call it always throws an error Device was disconnected. ...
Ajit Kumar's user avatar
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Blank white screen after build electron-react app with electron-builder

I already read ups and downs of this question in everywhere you can find and my problem still persists. I have no problem during development and my app runs fine with npm start command in VSCode. when ...
Omid Azad's user avatar
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Error whilst trying to package electron app

I am trying to package an electron app with the normal template (no frameworks). When I run: npm run package OR yarn run package. I get an error: PS C:\GitHub\electron-project\lambda> yarn run ...
Adapt's user avatar
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