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13 votes
2 answers

Node.js Electron Applications for Single Core Windows 7 machines are slow on file I/O

I'm running an electron application on a single core windows 7 machine. It seems whenever I do almost any file I/O with the fs library, the CPU spikes to ~100% for the electron process and it can take ...
Aaron Harrington's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

ElectronJS: Must use import to load ES Module

I've just started learning Electron from Electron Docs. I used ES6 (import/export) while they used require. I've added type:module in my package.json and also I've changed the js extension to mjs, but ...
Ala Eddine Menai's user avatar
10 votes
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require vm2 using electron and webpack

I encounter an error when I try to import the vm2 module inside the Electron renderer process using Webpack. import fs from 'fs' console.log('ok') const { NodeVM } = require('vm2') console.log('ko'...
Guillaume Badi's user avatar
9 votes
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Best way to stream large local media files with electron main process and handle them in the renderer process

Hello there, I will try to be more specific about my question, I'm using angular 9 and latest electron version 8.1.1. My goal is to read large media files like videos(>4go), songs(flac) or other ...
RLoris's user avatar
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electron drag and drop remote files on desktop

Objective: Use Electron`s Native File Drag & Drop to drag remote files out of electron-app into the operating system's world for example on desktop or some opened folder Approach: renderer In ...
django's user avatar
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9 votes
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Don't prevent default action in Electron using globalShortcut

I use var globalShortcut = require('electron').globalShortcut; For open application window after key press var ret = globalShortcut.register('CommandOrControl+X', function() { console.log('...
artofatih's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to serve static files from an asar archive

I am trying to build an electron app with a server component using express for remote control. The express module initializes with var staticPath = path.resolve('app/assets') setupNotifications(...
Peter Tillemans's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Remove app data on uninstall on mac in Electron js

I have created an electron app and built it using electron-builder On app uninstall I need to delete the data that localStorage, kind of access tokens, etc. In windows there is nsis - ...
Ernest Chakhoyan's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Efficient way to get the actual filename in a case-insensitive filesystem in node

This is NOT a dupe of this question. This question is NOT about Windows. It's a general question across OSes. Is there an efficient way to get the correct case of a filename in node.js other than ...
gman's user avatar
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Firebase SDK signInWithPopup() not working with Electron

I have an electron app that fires up a lightweight express server allowing me to use http in production for firebase github authentication. I have this working fine using the signInWithRedirect() ...
Samuel's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Display .icns file in electron renderer process

I'm looking for a way to display .icns files in electron renderer. In osx all icons (system icons, applications icons) stored in .icns format. I need to show these icons in my electron application. ...
Alexandr Subbotin's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Adding electron application path to user environment variables after install

Problem description: I have an electron application and I need to add the application to user environment variables after users install my application, so that they can run commands like this my-...
Nishkal Kashyap's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Frameless Browser window zero height

I'm creating a new frameless Browser window in Electron, with its height and width set at 0 but, at least in windows, the window is shown with some width and height. Also i have not loaded any ...
mfreitas's user avatar
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7 votes
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How Can I set environment variables into the executable electron forge build?

I'm building an Electron app using Electron Forge and I need to pass environment variables to the final executable. I've tried defining the environment variables in forge.config.js like this: env: { ...
jon_eldiablo's user avatar
7 votes
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Make an non-electron window parent to an electron app

I want my electron browser window to be child of the desktop window handle (hWND) in windows 10 which you can get from the c++ win32 API. So I need to create a BrowserWindow or somehow make the ...
tscpp's user avatar
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