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How do I check if the webview and the app are not focused

My app thinks it is not focused while the <webview> is focused. It checks if the app and the webview's IsFocused function returns true I'd like it to work,not do false positives! I tried GPT3, ...
Ashton Drye's user avatar
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How to make all new tabs/windows in electron direct to new electron-tabs

I'm currently working on some JavaScript code for a project. My goal is to make Electron open all links that would normally result in "pop-ups" to open in new tabs under the electron-tabs ...
Alex's user avatar
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Bug in finding image in electron with sqlite [closed]

So, my problem is that my app can't find my image, and on my sqlite database there's just a txt file that says undefined: This function goes immidietely after entering the app ipcMain.on('load-...
Tervix's user avatar
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How do I gray elements based on class name?

I'm trying to grey the border elements smoothly with css smoothing and it does nothing and the elements are 1 pixel thick code: function greyBorder() { var elms ...
Ashton Drye's user avatar
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Creating a Logger for the electron application [closed]

I want to create a logger to handle all the logs inside the application. To offload logger tasks such as writing logs to the file, rotating the log files, and sending logs to different monitoring ...
Jithin Vijayan's user avatar
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Issue with OAuth Redirect in Electron App Using Nextron Framework in Production

to authenticate and interact with YouTube APIs. The app works perfectly in development mode, but I am facing an issue in production mode regarding the OAuth redirect URI. In development mode, the ...
Muneeb Chaudhry's user avatar
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I am practice ipcRenderer but I can not see the result which i think would happen

I am a student and actually English is not my native language so there must be lots of grammer problem I'm so sorry.And just like what I wrote on title I'm learning how to use ipcRenderer but it didn'...
張丞維's user avatar
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How to get the device ID and device type in Electron.js with React.js and TypeScript?

I am working on an Electron.js application that uses React.js and TypeScript. I need to obtain the device ID and device type within my application. Here is a brief overview of my setup and what I've ...
Lalchand Sharma's user avatar
-3 votes
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webContents not defined error. how to fix? [closed]

I am a beginner coder and not that good so please don't mind my code, I am trying to make an application in electron js that opens an image file and displays it in the app. and I am having to send a ...
codegame123's user avatar
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electron opens raw main file source code in my native browser

When I run my electronjs app (electron . or electron electron.js) instead of opening a electron tab it opens the electron.js file in my browser (opera) as if it were a text file I figured out that the ...
iEnis's user avatar
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Angular 14 and Electron js Outlook integration doesn't work after creadentials given

We have used @azure/msal-angular For outlook integration in our system. let result = await this.msalService .loginPopup({ scopes: [ '', 'Mail....
Henil Mehta's user avatar
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No icon is displayed

The following problem needs to be solved: when you drag shortcuts to the container, they are duplicated and their image is not displayed. Below I provide the main code of node js electron and renderer....
UserAndroidDeveloper's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')

`Windows; MS Code; "Electron" 5.0.4, simple desktop text editing app I get the following error after clicking the save button; the button is located on the "index.html" page in a &...
Sam McGraw's user avatar
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Load React or Angular Component In OpenFin

I am trying to get an OpenFin app to run using the Platform API: I can get a 'platform' running, and x2 panels using the example in ...
Oam Psy's user avatar
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How to create electron app that will replace windows desktop

How can i develop an app, that can be used instead of default windows desktop, couldn't find any tutorials online, so I'm asking here I only found some ways of using kodi, but I want exactly electron ...
rllynotfox's user avatar
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How can i fix Electron problem: Error: ENOTDIR, not a directory?

I'm using an electron for the first time. I ran into a problem when building the application. I do everything according to the documentation, I use electron-forge. npm run make runs without problems, ...
Казбек Сабанаев's user avatar
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Electron Forge resolving path to node module using absolute path rather than using relative path

I'm trying to create an app that include the get-windows npm package, but I cannot distribute my app because Electron Forge is using resolving the package to an absolute path rather than a relative ...
atrinh's user avatar
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Is it possible to add an eventListener to a custom title bar used for dragging the window in a frameless window?

Added a custom title bar to a frameless window in order to make the window draggable. The title bar shows, but eventListener won't fire: main.js: const createWindow = () => { const win = new ...
nBar's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "monaco-editor". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../"

I'm getting started using a Monaco Editor for an Electron JS application. So far I'm able to get the file content on a user's directory no problem but when I try to append it to a Monaco Editor is ...
BeratK2's user avatar
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How to prevent system shutdown if an electron app is running

I want to send an api request when the user closes the app. I have managed to send an api request on that but on shutdown the request is not sent. Is there any way in electron that we can prevent ...
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Does electron have a way to get information about the printer, including sub-sheet information, paper quantity, etc

ipcMain.handle('getPrinterAsync', async (_, args) => { return this.windowPrint.getWindow().webContents.getPrintersAsync(); }) Does electron have a way to get information about the printer, ...
user19317635's user avatar
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Error while running react - electron in browser - Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

I am tryin to make a electron - react application and while running i am getting a error on the console of the browser. Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at (bundle.js:...
Sherlock-Holmes-2-2-1's user avatar
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How can I require the electron module from within cordova's renderer process?

I created a plain cordova-electron application using this tutorial. I am trying to access the ipcRenderer object of the electron module so I can receive events sent from the main process (cdv-electron-...
nick zoum's user avatar
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How to create a Windows installer with UAC prompt using electron-forge?

Is it possible for electron-forge to display a UAC prompt before installation? I looked at the Electron Forge documentation, and it doesn't have any configuration to allow a UAC prompt before ...
Julio de Leon's user avatar
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Passing headers with session.protocol.handle

When trying to pass a resolved url from inside a protocol handler, session.fetch does not pass any headers. Using request.headers does not work, as it is also empty I have tried getting the headers ...
theMackabu's user avatar
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Unknown spawn error in electrong-react app

I am making an app in electron and react. The app was working fine until one day this random error popped. Description of error I tried deleting the node_modules folder and reinstalling it but it ...
Ammar Akram's user avatar
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Why can't Electron load the static file for Next.js?

The out/index.html load and related files (out/_next) generated by Next.js using the static build files of Electron and Next.js are not being loaded. The actual project structure looks like this The ...
Minwoo Kim's user avatar
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How can I return data from preloaded Electron script?

I have built a function in preload.js that gets a JSON file sent from main.js. renderer.js loads it fine, but I can't seem to give the data to another variable outside of the arrow function. main.js ...
liminalFrog's user avatar
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I'm having an data loss issue using line Graphs in ApexCharts

ApexCharts seems to modify/remove some data, I'm not quite sure if this is a skill issue of mine, or something else. I'm getting data from an API from my server, the APIs data is intact and seems to ...
ThePyGuy's user avatar
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How to use context isolation ture with node integration false, In frontend without using Routes instead Js File for load the context body?

I can't use Electron Forge, so in order avoid duplicating header in HTML files, I want the base of the content load using JS function, within the page also I need to do the execution as well HTML ...
Sasanka Weerakoon's user avatar
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By default electron js has to show me the top menu when I touch the alt key

by default electron js has to show me the top menu when I touch the alt key, but I want to disable it but nothing works for me, I don't understand what to do Here is my code: app.whenReady().then(() =&...
Frederic Jasmin's user avatar
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Data sent from Electron's main to render is an empty object

So, I'm trying to send data from my main.js, to be used in the renderer to draw divs to my html, after not being able to use the content from my JSON I decided to try and send a simple string, and the ...
kouketsu's user avatar
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Electron IPC Main webContents not sending data to Renderer

Using the docs from Electron's website, I cannot send simple data using mainWindow.webContents.send('send-data-channel', data). I'm attempting to send a JSON file to the renderer using Node's fs ...
liminalFrog's user avatar
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How to make user data persistent in local storage in electron-app?

I'm building a tasks-to-do application using electron. As I'm new using it, I have found a lot of problems to make the tasks already uploaded persistent in the application. I'm creating the tasks ...
MavapeGZ's user avatar
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Manipulate page with electron

Thank you in advance for your help. I want to create a script for web scraping using different technologies. This is my main script, and the goal is to ensure that it cannot be changed. //main// ...
Yahnis allegret's user avatar
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Amazon SP API Invalid 'marketplaceIds' provided

I'm using Electron and try to use the Amazon SP SPI. Somehow I always get the following error despite that my marketplaceIds are correct. // apiCall.js const SellingPartner = require("amazon-sp-...
bn 41's user avatar
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How to use python in electron js package

My friend and I are buildinf a desktop app using electron js, in there we have a snippet of code that runs in a js file that goes like this: const scriptPath = await window.spawnAPI.pathJoin('..', '..'...
random's user avatar
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Fullscreen keybinds inside an electron app not working

In an ordinary electron app, regular application etiquette of the OS the user is using is applied. However, for me (Using Windows OS), the F11 keybind (typically used to put apps into fullscreen and ...
Marco Gomez's user avatar
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How do I fix puppeteer sending message duplicated?

So, I made a whatsapp message sender in nodejs using puppeteer to connect to wpp and electron to get the message and number inputs, but I have three main problems: It doesnt send the message after ...
João's user avatar
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431 views] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye

Trying to setup Electron on my computer, to setup .exe files for my HTML/CSS/JS projects I'm currently developing on Windows and got this: [3088:0525/] GPU ...
easr97's user avatar
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Check if any system app is running in fullscreen nodeJS

I'm making this widget in electron that shows up on the screen when you press ctrl+space. I only want the widget be able to show up when there's no app running in fullscreen mode. I've tried using ...
ivox's user avatar
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winctl.node was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 93. This version of Node.js requires NODE_MODULE_VERSION 89

Node.js Version: 16.18.1 (ABI => 93) Electron.js Version: 14.0.1(ABI => 89) I have an electron.js project, I want to implement functionality to track active window whenver it changes. for this ...
Harikrushn kanani's user avatar
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Connect to a USB device using electron

I am using navigator.usb.requestDevice to get a USB device. I am able to get the device I wanted i.e. Thermal printer. But when call it always throws an error Device was disconnected. ...
Ajit Kumar's user avatar
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Blank white screen after build electron-react app with electron-builder

I already read ups and downs of this question in everywhere you can find and my problem still persists. I have no problem during development and my app runs fine with npm start command in VSCode. when ...
Omid Azad's user avatar
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Error whilst trying to package electron app

I am trying to package an electron app with the normal template (no frameworks). When I run: npm run package OR yarn run package. I get an error: PS C:\GitHub\electron-project\lambda> yarn run ...
Adapt's user avatar
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Invoking function in Julia from Javascript using Electron.jl

I am trying to build a simple Electron app using Julia as my back-end language and HTML/CSS/Javascript as front-end by means of the Electron.jl package. Essentially, I have written a CVM structure on ...
Niels van den Heuvel's user avatar
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Electron app's "cannot find module error"

Im making an audio enhancer application in electron but as i click on the enhance button in getting this error on console (node:7587) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: ...
ADITYA's user avatar
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How to execute scripts or command while anyone install my software written in electron js on their OS

I have created a project using electron js, and now i want to make a linux distributable using electron forge make, but during installation of this software on any linux system i need to do execute ...
Jamal Ahmed's user avatar
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How can I detect if some application/software/tools is set to always on top using Node.js

I want to create tracking software, which can track which application/software/tools is open currently. Basically I want to get current Active Window. In case If you have multiple screens then I want ...
Harikrushn kanani's user avatar
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How to pass device ID from Electron main process to Vue app via IPC?

I'm working on an Electron app where I need to send a device ID from the Electron main process to a Vue app. The device ID is generated based on system information, and I'm trying to pass it to the ...
jack's user avatar
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